The First Official Cricket Team?

THE FIRST cricket team to be formed was in fact a scratch team, as we did not arrive at Goldings until the 1922 season
was well in hand, and so that team cannot really be considered as our first team. However, I can recall that one member of
the staff (who you all know—no prizes for naming him!) was presented with a live duck which laid an egg, and that was
more than his total number of runs scored! Despite this achievement he got into the team next season and stayed there for
many seasons to come, and spent a lot of his time running around the bottom and top fields-but, alas, he has now retired.
There have been a lot of alterations to the bottom field since those early days; the bank was some five to six yards nearer the
table than it is today, and was dug out over the years by staff and boys. The same method was used for digging out the hole
for the swimming bath.The 1923 team reproduced opposite is as follows:
Standing left to right: G. Richardson, T. Ayling, F. Cawood, Mr. Williamson, W. Paul, Mr. D. Davies.
Sitting left to right: A. Battrick, M. Maxwell, Mr. W. J. Garnett (Hon. Govenor), E. Palmer, E. Cowley, C. Hartley.

Goldonian Winter 1963
H. DE B.

Robert Whibley attended Goldings during the war years, and came to his first reunion last year 2004. Shortly after the
reunion Bob wrote to me, below is a paragraph from that letter.

The “keep fit class " below speaks “puff puff” for itself! The 20yd. Flat out record was easily broken. Winners from left to
right Messrs. Stevenson , Taylor , Culver , Moules , Broster , Hooper , Also in the far distance is Mr Wood, and peeping
over Mr. Taylors shoulder is Mr. Mondin.

Goldonian Summer 1961

Provided by Robert Whibley


The First Goldings Football Team?

I do not suppose many of our readers will, but who knows some one may recognize himself from the picture reproduced
opposite. This team, which was formed when the School moved from Stepney in 1922 contains two players who are still
associated with Goldings, viz. Mr. de' Boeck and Mr. Maslin. It was comprised of staff and boys and played in Division I
(now the Premier Division of the Hertford and District Football League. At this time there was only one pitch on top field,
and when the team played at home on a Saturday afternoon it was an extra afternoon's pleasure for most of the boys as well
as the players, as only one house had leave each Saturday afternoon. There was always a crowd of 200 home supporters!
Mr. W. J. Garnett was the first Governor of the School and this was then an honorary appointment, since then of course we
have all become 'players'. The second player standing carried the rank of 'Sergeant Major' which was the equivalent to our
present day 'School Captain'. It will be noticed that several of the players are wearing caps, these were presented when a
player received his colours, and as will be noticed the year of the award was embroidered on the peak. In case you are
wondering who's who, here are all the names, kindly supplied by Mr. de' Boeck, as indeed was all the above information.
Standing left to right: F. Palmer, Sgt. Major E. Palmer, Mr. J. Maslin, Mr. Seal (trainer), Mr. H. de' Boeck, Mr. Davis,
H. Brent (captain), W. Paul. Sitting left to right: C. Hartley, W. Horve, Mr. W. J. Garnett, (Hon. Governor), Mr. Edwards,
C. Cowley, J. Huartson.

The Goldonian Summer 1963
N. T. P.


DURING THE last month the Homes have purchased a stately house in Wales to try to give every boy who passes through
the School a chance of adventure, and show what it is like living alongside nature. It has been suggested that fifteen boys
attend for a fortnight so that parties are going up all through the year. They will do rock climbing, long distance walking
and various other strenuous activities.
As a preliminary working-up course there has been an assault course built in the School grounds here at Goldings which
will give the subjects (us) an idea of what to expect.
The master in charge is Mr. Montgomery, who at first sight looks like a man who will handle his new job very efficiently.
Among the other exercises under consideration are canoeing, sailing, and map-reading.


Goldonian Winter 1964

Wentworth Golf Tournament

FROM 8TH to l0th October, half-term, some of us boys were asked to act as stewards at the World Champion Golf
Tournament. This was indeed a great honour for us. Mr. Embleton, who as most of us know is a keen player of the game,
escorted us to Wentworth on the first day. Before leaving we were briefed by Air Commodore Pearce as to the procedure.
On arrival we were split into parties of six, and a similar party of adults showed us what to do. Our main job was to hold
back the crowds from the actual playing area, and to try to keep people quiet. We were moved about in relays over the
course, which was quite large, and there was always the chance we would get lost. We were told there were 10,000 people
present on the first day's play.
Amongst the great players competing was Arnold Palmer from America, who eventually won the tournament, Neil Coles
from England, Bruce Develin from America, Ken Venture of New Zealand, Jack Nicklaus from Australia, and Tony Lema
from America.
Most of us had a big surprise when we saw Bruce Forsyth, who was a spectator and not a competitor.
Although none of us were golf enthusiasts, we all thoroughly enjoyed our two days at Wentworth.


Goldonian Winter 1964

On Location

Sports and leisure 2

Was it English

Reflections Of Our Life


Bob Newtons Gym Team


All images and text copyright © to Goldings Old Boys reunion members

Exclusive legal rights must be sort from Mr and Mrs Newton to reproduce any information and photographs displayed on this page.

Sports and leisure 3

Sports and leisure 4

Celebrity visitors

Page Compiled July 2005

The points I wish to make are these: That every boy at this School is very privileged to have such ample opportunities in the field of
sport, but with all these amenities at his disposal he must be very careful not to forget the real reason for coming to this School, and
that is, of course, to learn a trade, and to learn a trade one must pay proper attention to one's school lessons.
It is so easy — especially for the non - participants — to consider these extra periods of sport as "good dodges". It would be far more
to their credit if they watched and applauded with interest and intelligence, and possibly decided that they, too, would like to become
proficient in one sport or another.
To the boys who are sport-minded I would say this, keep it up but not at the expense of your shop or school work. Remember you
will all earn your living as tradesmen, and depending on your efficiency as a tradesman will be your salary or wages, and this will
decide how much you can participate in sport, because it is very expensive when you leave Goldings. There are no free swimming
pools, tennis courts, cricket, clubs or football clubs when you shake the dust of the W. B. T. S. from your feet. To my knowledge,
only one boy has ever left the School as a professional sportsman.

Goldonian Summer 1958

This is an abridged version of the original text

Sports and Leisure 5

Lochearnhead 1964

Films Down the gym

Sports and Leisure 6

Glaxo visit

Goldings fete

Goldings in the snow

Sports and leisure 1

Sports and Leisure 7