The Goldonian

Winter 1952

The afternoon of 18th June certainly did its best to add to the success of the
Inter-Homes Championships, by producing a warm and sunny afternoon.
The competition was well run, and the events keenly contested.
The Goldings Team, competing in "C" Class, had a very successful afternoon.
Out of nine championship events, in "C" Class they won six championships,
and were placed second in the Long Jump. In the Hurdles and 880 they were
knocked out in the area meeting.
J. Woods won the 100 yds. and the High Jump championship.
P. Parry won the 220 yds. championship, A. Blackburn won the 440 yds.
championship, and C. Mogford won the Open Mile Championship.
The Relay Team, consisting of J. Woods, P. Parry, A. Blackburn,
and J. Watts, won the Senior Relay Race Championship.
The cups and medals were presented by the Mayor of Eastbourne,
who congratulated the competitors on their performance and

The finals of the Inter House Swimming Competition were keenly contested on Friday afternoon, 25th July. The weather was warm and sunny,
which added to the comfort of the Competitors.
The Senior Cup was won by Somerset with 236 points.
The House placings were : —

1, Somerset, with 236 points! 2, Aberdeen with 174 points; 3, Mt. Stephen, with 140 points; 4, Cairns with 44 points.
The Junior Cup was lifted by McCall with 181 points. The House placings were; —
1, McCall with 181 points; 2, Pelham with 49 points; 3, Buxton with 35 points; 4, Kinnaird with 33 points.
The Victor Ludorum Medals were won by: —
(Junior), R. Upcher (Me.), with 40 points; Runner-up E. Dawson (Me.) with 28 points.
(Intermediate), A. Lines (A), with 45 points; Runner-up Pugh (A), with 37 points.
(Senior), Hornby (S), with 55 points; Runner-up, Fox (S), with 32 points.
Individual winners were : —
(Juniors), 1, Williams (P); 2, Marston (B); 3, Upcher (MS); 4, Fox (B).'
(Intermediates), 1, Henley (MS); 2, Crampton (A); 3, Fox (S); 4, Lines (A).
(Seniors), 1, Smith (MS); 2, Snow (A); 3, Fox (S); 4, Tither (MS).
(Juniors), Upcher (Me); 2, Steadman (B); 3, Brown (Me); 4, Dawson (Me).
(Intermediates), 1, Pugh (A); 2, Addinall (C); 3, Lines (A); 4, Henley (MS).
(Seniors), 1, Hornby (S); 2, Snow (A); 3, Fox (S); 4, Alee (C).
(Juniors), 1, Wheatley (Me); 2, Davis (Me); 3, and 4, Tie, Marston (B); Dawson (Me).
(Intermediates), 1, Smith (A); 2, Crampton (A); 3, Blackburn (MS); 4, Parry (S).
(Seniors), 1 C. Fox (S); 2, Fripp (MS); 3, Measey (S); 4, Smith (MS).
(Juniors), 1, Fripp (Me); 2, Upcher (Me).
(Intermediates), 1, Lines (A); 2, T. Fox (S); 3, Walford (MS); 4, Pugh (A).
(Seniors), 1, Snow (A); 2, Hornby (S); 3, C. Fox, (S); 4, Thompson (MS).
(Juniors), 1, Upcher (Me); 2, Maitland (P); 3, Wheatley (Me); 4, Maxim (B).
(Intermediates), I, Crampton (A); 2, Raines (S); 3, T. Fox (S); 4, Wilson (C).
( Seniors), 1, Jenkins (C); 2, Fripp (MS); 3, Hornby (S); 4, Marston (S).
(Juniors), 1, and 2, Tie, R. Davies (P) and Robins (K); 3, Otterwell (Me); 4, Wheatley (Me).
(Intermediates), I, Lines (A); 2, Pugh (A); Henley (MS); 4, Crampton (A).
(Seniors), 1, Hornby (S); 2, Fripp (MS); 3, M. Smith (MS); 4, Horsley (S).
1, Dawson (Me); 2, P. Davies (Me); 3, Robins (K); 4, Marston (B).
(Intermediates), 1, Raines (S); 2, T. Fox (S); 3, Barlow (A);
(Seniors), 1, Hornby (S); 2, Snow (A); 3, Fripp (MS).
(Juniors), 1, Robins and Hunter (K); 2, Moss and Kemp (P); 3, Fripp and Dawson (Me); 4, Otterwell and Jones (Me).
(Intermediates), 1, Henley and Walford (MS); 2, Lines and Crampton (A); 3, T. Fox and England (S); 4, Pugh and Barlow (A).
(Seniors), 1, M. Smith and Jones (MS); 2, Measey and C. Fox (S),
(Juniors), 1, and 2, Tie, Dawson (Me) and P. Davies (Me); Upcher (Me); 4, Robins (K).
(Intermediates), i, England (S); 2, Raines (S); 3, Lines (A); 4, Douthwaite (S).
(Seniors), 1, Marston (S); 2, Hornby (S); 3, C. Fox (S); 4, Fripp (MS).
(Juniors), 1, Read (Me); 2, Upcher (Me); 3, R. Davies (P); 4, Robins (K).
(Intermediates), i, Pugh (A); 2, Lines (A); 3, Crampton (A); 4, Tie, Henley (MS) and Gainard (S).
(Seniors), 1, Hornby (S); 22, M. Smith (MS); 3, Snow (A); 4, C. Fox (SI.
(Juniors) 1, Fripp (Me); 2, Robins (K); 3, R. Da vies (P); 4, Munson (B).
1, Blackburn (MS); 2, T. Fox (S); 3, Pugh (A); 4, Parry (S).
(Seniors), 1 Measey (S); 2, Boswell (C); 3, and 4, Tie, Thompson (MS) and Hornby (S).
1, Douthwaite (S); 2, Measey (S); 3, Fripp (Me); 4, Blackburn MS).
(Juniors), 1, Dawson (Me); 2, R. Davies (P); 3, Wheatley (Me); 4, Fripp (Me).
(Intermediates), 1,Walford (MS); 2, Petherick (C) 3, Raines (S); 4, Wilson (C).
(Seniors), 1 Measey (S); 2, C. Fox (S); 3, Hawkins (A); 4, Jones (MS).
(Juniors), 1, Otterwell (Me); 2, Fripp (Me); 3, Upcher (Me); 4, Wheatley (Me).
(Intermediates), 1, Lines (A); 2, Pugh (A); 3, Henley (MS); 4, T. Fox (S).
(Seniors), 1, Measey (S); 2, Thompson (MS); 3, Hornby (S); 4, Thurlow (MS).
(Juniors), 1, McCall; 2, Buxton; 3, Pelham; 4, Kinnaird.
(Intermediates), 1, Aberdeen; 2, Mt. Stephen; 3, Somerset; 4, Cairns.
(Seniors), 1, Mt. Stephen; 2, Somerset; 3, Cairns; 4, Aberdeen.
At the conclusion of the competition the Mayor, Councillor D. 0. Hale, presented the cups and medals, and complimented the boys on their
performance. He said he had thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon, and hoped to visit us again on another such occasion. The Headmaster thanked
the Mayor, and said how we all appreciated his visit. The boys showed their appreciation with three cheers for the Mayor.


Since our last notes we have had to say goodbye to three of our senior boys. Our first loss being Prefect A. Marston, followed shortly by House
Captain Michael May and School Captain Stephen Horsley. We wish them the best of luck in the outside world.
Sport: We must all congratulate the house teams on winning the swimming sports this year with the grand total of 236 points, the runners up
being Aberdeen 174 points which made quite a decisive victory for us. Well done, Somerset!
Football'. We have only had two! games so far. Having lost the first to Cairns 6-4 and then we won against Aberdeen by 3 goals to 2. Well, keep
trying, and maybe we will gain a good position in the league.
Congratulations to Acting Prefect J. Douthwaite on attaining the rank of full Prefect.
Somerset House takes this opportunity of wishing House Master A. P. Culver, Mr. Wheatley and family, Mr. Corbett and family and all the Staff
and boys a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
W. HORNBY, House Captain.

The end of the 1952 draws swiftly to its close and once more our hearts and minds turn to the greatest festival of the year— Christmas. With the
end of term in sight we write Cairns notes to be included in the last GOLDONIAN of this year.
Your Housemaster and I congratulate two boys in our house who have recently been promoted to House Prefects. They are Roy Addinall and
Malcolm Warren. Let us hope they will do their utmost to help Mr. Culver in running the house. We have said goodbye to Wilson (Senior) and
have shortly to see two of our prefects leave the School, P. Welsh and Boswell. I am sure you join with me in wishing them all the best in the
outside world.
I hope we shall see and hear from them quite frequently.
With the evening classes upon us again, we shall be able to keep the dormitory cleaner for a long period.
We join with the other boys and staff in wishing Mr. Offord a quick and permanent recovery from his illness.
Christmas wishes are always merry ones and they go to our Headmaster, his wife and family, Mr. and Mrs. Corbett, Michael and Jane, to all the
staff especially Mr. and Mrs. Offord and to you all whether spending the holidays by your home fire-side or staying at school. Wherever you are,
enjoy yourselves and a Merry Christmas and prosperous New Year to you all.
W. OSTLE, House Captain.

It is now my opportunity to write the Aberdeen House Notes as we have no House Captain since Mervyn Lusty left us in October.
We have had to say goodbye to Leonard Young and Ivan Snow and Patrick Riches. Leonard Young and Ivan Snow are now in Her Majesty's
Forces. We have had the pleasure of a visit from both these boys since they left us and they seemed quite happy. We were pleased to see Frank
Roberts back for two weeks before he went to Egypt. We all wish him the best of luck out there.
Now that we have said the goodbye's I can start to tell you what the house has been doing in the last term.
Sport: We were unable to regain the swimming cup this year, after holding it for three years. We congratulate Somerset on their win but we hope
to have it back next year.
Aberdeen had a good place in the cricket league and after a fight with Mt. Stephen gained second position. We give credit to Brian Walker, Ivan
Snow and Mervyn Lusty for keeping the team going so well.
In the football, however, things are not going too well, so far, but if we keep trying I think we might have a chance of leaving bottom position in
the league. We have played two games, drawn one, and lost one.
I would like to congratulate John Woods on being made a prefect and John Gray on getting to the rank of acting prefect. We wishl them the best
of luck in their new jobs. Special mention also to our ex-House Captain Arthur Aldwinckle, in reaching the rank of School Captain. Well done!
We wish Mr. Roach, the Headmaster and family, Mr. Corbett and family and all the staff and boys a very happy Christmas and all our best
wishes for the New Year.

And yet another term has passed and it is my duty to recall the activities of our house.
We are sorry to lose our Housemaster who has been taken ill. We all wish him a speedy recovery and hope that he will be taking his duty as
Housemaster as soon as his health permits. We are all pleased to have Mr. Sandmann as our Housemaster during Mr. Offord's absence.
During the last term we have been pleased to have back with us some of the Old Boys from the junior houses, Gerald Fripp, Brian Clarke,
Robert Woodward and John Barfield. We also welcome Colin Hemmingway, David Jannaway and Donald Robins. We hope all these boys
maintain the standard of this house.
We were sorry to lose Leslie Fripp and Allen Bailey who have gone to their situations during this term, also Harold Hall who has left for
H.M. Forces. We all wish these boys the best of luck in their outside life.
During the past two terms Mt. Stephen has won many of the sporting honours: We hope to win both the football league and cup. We are at the
moment top of the football league.
We congratulate Allen Blackburn and Colin Fuller in becoming prefects of our house.
We all wish Mr. and Mrs. Wheatley and family Mr. Offord and the Staff and boys a very Happy Christmas and all the best during the New Year.
J. WATTS, House Captain.

Again it is time to write for THE GOLDONIAN. We must first of all welcome into our House Thomas Allen, John Allwood, Herbert Bonney,
Keith Brierley, Malcolm Brierley, Brian Broom, Terence Campbell, Neville Chamberlain, James East, Peter Haldenby, Donald Hemmingway,
Peter Marshall, Charles Stephenson, Ronald Thomas, Edward Toynton, Francis Watkins, and Terence George Wesson. We look to these boys to
uphold the high level of sport which has been the feature of Buxton House for a long while, and also' to maintain the good standard of conduct
which prevails, both of which one often hears mentioned by boys who have been transferred to other Houses. We wish Robert Woodward,
Donald Robins and William Booth the best of luck in their new houses.
On the football field Buxton and Kirmaird have played 2 games, won i, drawn i, points 3; and Kinnaird have played 2 games, lost i, drawn i,
points i. Also Buxton and Kinniard did well in having six boys selected to play for the Junior "A" team.
Since the last issue of THE GOLDONIAN Mr. R. F. Leason has appointed three new Monitors in the persons of Brian Marston, (Buxton),
Alan Steadman (Kinnaird) and Henry Wainscott (Kinnaird). We all wish them the best of luck.
On Sunday, gth November, quite a few boys from our-House travelled to nearby towns and villages to sound the Last Post and Reveille at
Remembrance Day celebrations. Michael and Colin Maxim, both formerly of Buxton House, had the distinction of sounding these calls at
Wheathampstead, where the Lord-Lieutenant of Hertfordshire was present.
In conclusion, we wish Mr. and Mrs. Wheatley and family, the Rev. S. C. and Mrs. Corbett and family, and Mr. R. F. Leason a very Happy
Christmas and a Bright New Year.
A Happy Christmas to everybody and especially to all ex-Buxton House Captains, Prefects, and boys.
THOMAS BARNES, Senior Monitor. HENRY WAINSCOTT (Kinnaird).

It gives me the greatest of pleasure to be able to write the Mc-Call house notes for the first time.
First let us welcome all new boys who came to McCall this term. We must now wish J. M. Bradly and B. Guerdon the very best of luck in their
new houses and trust that they will get on there as well as they did in McCall.
We have not done too well in sport this term but D. Upcher, an old McCall boy in Cairns won the Victor Ludorum by getting the most points in
the swimming sports and we congratulate him, not forgetting all McCall boys who helped us to win. McCall came third in the cricket League
and we congratulate Kinnaird on their victory over the other junior houses. The football, for us, has not

thank them for their support and co-operation whilst they were with us and I shall be pleased to answer all letters they send for they are still with
us in our thoughts.
A. P. CULVER, Captain o.i.c., Training Officer for O.C. 2 Coy.

What an example the band is to the rest of the company in showing how to carry on and keep up a high standard in gpirit of losing many good
players. Since our last band notes we have lost Sgt. Jenkins, Cpl. Lang, Cadets Gotten and Fripp; it takes a very long time and much perseverance
to train a drummer or a bugler and to lose one at any time is always a serious loss. We often say, oh dear, what shall we do now that so and so has
gone and then up comes a younger boy and takes his place. This is not very surprising; but it does show that there is enthusiasum and keenness
which surmounts all obstacles.
We do not have the valuable services of Lieut. Walkling very often now7 and the band Cadets teach each other and Drum Major Welsh is a tower
of strength.
During the year nine Cadets have passed their bugle tests, this calls for proficiency in blowing (twenty-two calls have to be passed) and their
instruments must be clean and their smartness and deportment good. Four drummers have passed their proficiency test in playing and deportment;
this, I think, is a very good effort.
Whilst we were at Dymchurch the band returned to Hertford by the cadet coach on the 4th August and played the Carnival procession through the
streets of Bishop's Stortford. During the afternoon they gave a display of "Beating the Retreat" and counter-marching which was applauded by
all the town's people.
At the annual battalion camp the band again won the band cup for the sixth year in succession, and in the evening beat the retreat on the sea front.
The band attended the annual Carnival at Enfield on the 24th August and after playing while the long procession of decorated lorries and
tableaux moved through the streets gave a programme of counter-marching, etc. which was greatly appreciated. This is the second year the
band has been to Enfield and at the conclusion they were asked to attend next year.
On Sunday, 21st September, the band played the company into Hertford then headed the parade to All Saints Church for the Battle of Britain
service. C.S.M. Warren and S/Sgt. Fox sounded the Last Post and Reveille in the church during the service. In the afternoon the band took part
in the British Legion parade at Sawbridgeworth for the dedication of Legion colours. The band was congratulated on their smartness and good
The band attended the British Legion parade at Hertford Heath on the I2th October and Dram Major Welsh was personally congratulated on the
band's performance by His Worship the Mayor of Hertford.
Remembrance Sunday, 12th November, was a busy day for the band for in the morning they played the company into Hertford then headed the
procession to church for the service. After the service the parade marched to the memorial for the laying on of wreaths and C.S.M. Warren,
S/Sgt. Fox, Cpl. Rains and Cadet M. Maxim sounded the Last Post and Reveille.
Buglers were sent to the various churches as mentioned to attend the Armistice services during the morning, afternoon and evening:——cadets
Hunter and King to Stapleford; L/Cpl. Haldenby to Watton-at-Stone; Cadet Co wens to Hitchin; Sgt. Crampton to Hertingfordbury; Cpl. Raines
to Harlow in the afternoon; Cadets Maxim M. and Maxim C. to Wheathampstead; Cadet Cpl. Boddy and boy Measy to Waterford; Sgt. Crampton
to Hertingf ordbury again in the evening; C.S.M. Warren and S/Sgt. "Fox to Roydon.
In the afternoon the Band went to Stansted to attend the parade of remembrance.
There are many Cadets amongst the younger boys who are keen to join the band and I must tell them that it calls for practice and hard work.
Every new member must be prepared to undertake plenty of extra practice in their own time and not to despair when things seem too tough.
Many of you will be required to take part in the various coronation engagements that undoubtedly will be required and who knows; maybe we
shall perform at the Royal Tournament again in
I would close these notes by wishing all the band a very Happy Christmas wherever you may be and a successful New Year to
A. P. CULVER, Captain o.i.c., Training Officer for O.C. 2 Coy.

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Page Compiled May 2021

All images and text copyright © to Goldings Old Boys reunion members