The Goldonian

Winter 1953







l6-l8 LEAGUE
Waltham Abbey Rovers
Wormley Rovers
St. Gerge’ Boy’s Club
Stanstead Abbots
Herts Training School
Bailey Youth
Abbey Sports
Ware Town Minors
St. Mary’s Boys’Club
Valley Swifts

Wormley Rovers
St. Mary’s Boys’ Club
Waltham Abbey Rovers
St. Georges Sports
Oakley Swifts

The weather was certainly on our side on Friday Afternoon the 24th of July, when the swimming competition was decided.
In the Junior Competition Pelham had an easy victory, being over 100 points in front of their nearest opponents.
The Junior House Placings were: —
i, Pelham, 170 points; 2, Buxton, 50 points; 3, McCall, 44 points; 4, Kinnaird, 36 points.
In the Senior Competition the position was very different. The result was in doubt up to the last race. Somerset succeeded in collecting the
winning points in the last race.
The Senior House Placings were: —
i, Somerset, 188 points; 2, Aberdeen, 185 points; 3, Mount , 150 points; 4, Cairns, 75 points.
The Victor Ludorum Medal Winners were : —
Juniors: , D. Rackham.Pelham, with 81 points.
Intermedeate: B. Marston, Somerset, with 56 points,
Seniors: J Walford, Mount Stephen, with 52 points.
Individual winners were : —

Breast Stroke: 1, Rackham (P); 2, Maconachie (MC); 3, Holdenby (K) 4, Cooper P .
Back Stroke: 1, Rackham (P); 2, Cooper (P); 3, Howard (P); 4, Franklin (P).
Plunge: 1, Rackham (P); 2, Gibson (B); 3, Toynton (K); 4, Mitchell (B).
Back Stroke without hands: 1 Rackham (P); 2, Brierley (B).
Springboard Dive: 1, Peet (P); 2, Mitchell (B); 3, Burgar 3ICK4, Allen (K).
Sprint Race: 1, Rackham (P); 2, Cooper (P); 3, Howard (P); 4, East (B).
Under Water Swim: I, Rackham (P); 2, Green (MC) 3, Toynton (K); 4, Swaddle (MC).
Assisting Tired Swimmer Race: 1, Rackham and Scott (P); 2, Green and Maconachie (MC); 3, Burgar and Swaddle (MC).
Picking up Coins: 1, Tie, Rackham (P) and Kemp (P); 3, Holdenby (K); 4, Divine (P).
Medley Race: i, Rackham (P); 2, Cooper (P); 3, Howard (P); 4, Round (B).
High Dive: r, Toynton (K); '2, Burgar (MC); 3, Peet (P); 4, Rackham (P).
Front Somersault: i, Peet (P); 2, Crampton (B); 3, Stamford (P); 4, Burgar (MC).
Obstacle Race: i, Rackham (P); 2, Cooper (P); 3, Toynton (K); 4, Holdenby (K).
Relay Race: i, Pelham; 2, Buxton; 3, McCall; 4, Kinnaird.

Breast Stroke: 1, Marston (S); 2, Ali (A); 3, Davis P. (A).
Back Stroke: i, Fripp (MS); 2, Marston (S); 3, Barnes (MS); 4, King (C).
Plunge: i, Hopcroft (S); 2, Marston (S); 3, Davis P. (A); 4, Wheatley (S).
Back Stroke without hands: i, Fripp (MS); 2, King (C); 3, Barnes (MS); 4, Marston (S).
Springboard Dive: I, Marston (S); 2 Wheatley (S); 3, Fripp (MS); 4, Robins (MS).
Sprint Race: i, Robins (MS); 2, Wheatley (S); 3, Davis P. (S); 4, Marston (S).
Under Water Swim: i, Burrell (A); 2, Kemp (C); 3, Marston (S); 4, Davis (A).
Assisting Tired Swimmer Race: i, Robins and Fripp (MS); 2, Marston and Brittain (S); 3, Moss and Green (C); 4, Wheatley and Davis (S).
Picking up Coins:
i, Kemp (C); 2, Davis (A); 3, Burre".: 4, Robins (MS).
Medley Race: i, King (C); 2, Marston (S); 3, Fripp 4, Robins (MS).
High Dive: i, Wheatley (S); 2, Fox A. (S); 3, Fripp (M:r 4, Marston (S).
Front Somersault: i, Davis (S); 2, Whcatlcy (S); 3, Kemp (C); 4, Marston (S).
Obstacle Race: I, Robins (MS); 2, Wheatley (S); 3, Fripp (MS): 4, Barnti MS
Relay Race: 1, Somerset; 2, Mount Stephen; 3, Cairns; 4, Aberdeen.

Breast Stroke: 1 Crampton (A); 2, Walford (MS); 3, Lines (A); 4, Sharpe I
Back Stroke: 1 A ; _ Walford (MS); 3, Crampton (A); 4, Sharpe |
Plunge: 1. Tilth P. (A); 2, Tie, Ellis (C); Barlow (A); 4, Jarvis (S).
Back Stroke without hands: 1, Walford (MS); 2, Crampton (A); 3, Lines (A); 4, Pugh (A).
Springboard Dive: 1, Ellis (C); 2, Crampton (A); 3, Fox C. (S); 4, Sharpe (S).
Sprint Race:- 1, Pugh (A); 2, Lines (A); 3, Sharpe (S); 4, Crampton (A).
Under Water Swim: 1, Raines (S); 2, Barlow (A); 3, Fox C. (SI; 4, Walford (MS).
Assisting Tired Swimmer:1, Pugh and Barlow (A); Steeples and Fox C. (S); 3, Ellis and Smith (C).
Picking up Coins: 1, Raines (S); 2, Walford (MS); 3, Fox C. (S); 4, Smith (C).
Medley Race: 1, P'ugh (A); 2, Crampton (A); 3, Walford (MS); 4, Fox C. (S).
High Dive: 1, Walford (MS); 2, Crampton (A); 3, Ellis (C); 4, Fox C. (S).
Open Fancy Dive: 1, Crampton (B); 2, Walford (MS); 3, Marston (S); 4, Fripp (MS).
Front Somersault: 1, Ellis (C); 2, Walford (MS); 3, Crampton (A); 4, Petherick (C).
Obstacle Race: 1, Pugh (A); 2, Lines (A); 3, Crampton (A); 4, Sharpe (S).
Relay Race: I, Aberdeen; 2, Somerset; 3, Mount Stephen.


The 1953 cricket season brought a new era to Goldings cricket, when the staff and boys separated, to form their own elevens. Although the
weather was not so kind as the previous year, the staff team managed to complete 25 games, of which 14 were won, 10 lost and i drawn.
Once again the individual honours were fairly even, as the averages show. In the batting Mr. F. Tordoff was top with 241 runs, average 18.5,
closely followed by Mr. R. F. Wheatley 216 runs, average 12.6, Mr. L. Embleton 264 runs, average 12.2, Mr. J. James 125 runs, average 7.5
The brunt of the bowling was borne by Mr. R. F. Wheatley 58 wkts, average 6.3, Mr. M. Smith 71 wkts, average 5.4, Mr. J. James 23 wkts,
average 7.5. Top of the bowling was Mr. L. Embleton 16 wkts, average 3.7, and Mr. L. Wilkins 24 wkts, average 3-9- As usual Mr. Tordoff
maintained a high standard behind the stumps, and the season was marked by good fielding and many spectactular catches by Messrs. Corbett,
Whitbread, Smith, Blackmore and Bumford.

Boxing: A. Blackburn, Cairns; J. Watts, Mount Stephen; C. Fox, Somerset; D. England, Somerset; F. Dennett, Cairns; G. Ferris, Mount Stephen.
Athletics: V. King, Cairns; G. Kemp, Cairns; G. Ferris, Mount Stephen.
Swimming: ]. Walford, Mount Stephen; B. M»rston, Somerset; T. Crampton, Aberdeen; D. Rackham, Pelham.


"How time flies". Once more I have to put on record the achievements and alas some failures of Somerset House.
Since the last notes we have again said goodbye to several of our house members. Barry Raines and .-"Slash" Gainard have left us for the
Merchant Navy, we all wish them every success in their new venture. Michael Sharp and Alan Roberts have also left us for situations. Good
Luck to them both.
Sport: As we stated in the summer issue Somerset hoped to win the Swimming Cup, and it is my pleasure to be able to record another win in
that direction.
Although we did not win the Cricket League, we were second best and captured the Knock-Out Cup.
We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Marriott who are taking charge of two Junior Houses.
Congratulations to John Woods who has replaced Jimmie Watts as School Captain.
Well it only leaves me now to wish Mr. Wheatley and Family, Mr. Corbett and Family, Staff and Boys a Very Happy Christmas.
Good Luck to you all.
ERIC HASTINGS, House Captain

This is the first time I have had the pleasure of writing notes for the house. Since the last edition of THE GOLDO NIAN house has seen a
number of changes.
First, I must say that our new housemaster, Mr. Warren, is also Somerset's housemaster, has settled down to his job and _ on quite well with
the boys. Secondly, I must welcome three new Prefects, V. King, G. Kemp and G. Smith, who so far have done their jobs very well.
The house lost a good prefect in D. J. Smith, who has left for a situation as a gardener. D. Ellis has also left for a job as a boatbuilder at
Stanstead Abbotts.
At football Cairns have done quite well so far, beating Somerset in their first match, 9-1. We have a number of the Minor team players, and a
couple of the "A" team players in the house team.
I will finish by wishing Mr. and Mrs. Wheatley, Mr. and Mrs. Corbett and the rest of the staff a Very Merry Christams and the happiest of New
House Captain A. ]. WILLSON

Six Juniors have entered the House from the junior part of the school. They are Brian Locke, J. Willans, B. Franklin, L. Beckley. R. Mitchell
and L. Weisenberg.
"Wacker" Walker has gone into the Army but has since been back to see us. R. Pugh and R. Holdenby have gone to situations and we hope they
will show to the world the traditions of Goldings. One prefect has left us for a situation and we wish him well.
L. Weisenberg and P. G. Smith have attained the rank of acting-prefect and John Woods, one of our former prefects has risen to the rank of
School Captain. We wish him luck.
In football we have played two games, lost 5 goals to 3 against Mt. Stephen and won 8-0 against Somerset.
At cricket we won the league championship and shared the Cup with Somerset.
This season we hope to gain the boxing cup and I hope all boys will enter to support the House.
We had wonderful weather at Dymchurch this year and I think everyone enjoyed their three weeks' stay. We had a verv enjoyable day at
Hastings where every boy was free to do as he pleased. I for one was glad to put my head to the pillow when I returned.
To sum up I think we have had quite a successful term but we shall try harder next term. I suppose all bov’s are looking forward to Christmas
whether they are going on leave or staying at the school. All boys and prefects wish Mr. and Mrs. Wheatley and family, Mr. Corbett and Family,
Mr. Offord, our Housemaster and all Staff a Happy Christmas and Best Wishes for the coming year.
House Captain W. LINES

It gives me great pleasure in writing the house notes for Buxton
Buxton is not so good for sport this year as it was last year. we have played three games and won one. We have ? Junior "A" player and quite a
few entered for the junior trials We hope to have a lot of entries for this year's Boxing. Buxton wish all the staff and boys of the school a Happy
Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.

This year, it is our great pleasure to write the House Notes.
We are pleased to introduce our new House Father and House Mother, Mr. and Mrs. Marriott to the Junior Floor. They have made great
improvements in the Junior Houses, not only in one thing, but in everything, and are still making good progress.
This year we have lost Monitor Allen, Leonard Beckley and Herbert Bonney to the Seniors, but we have filled their places, with twelve other
new boys, who are making progress in the school.
As for Sport: Cricket: we were runners-up for the Cup. With 26 points for swimming we came last, with only four swimmers. Football; we have
won one out of three games and are second from the bottom, but the teams are still trying hard.
We will close this years house notes with our very best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Wheatley and Family and all other members of the Staff and
hope they have a Merrv Christmas and a great success in the coming year.

It gives us great pleasure to write these notes for the first time.
We welcome to the Junior Houses Mr. and Mrs. Marriott who have taken the places of the House Masters.
We also welcome the new boys who have filled the Junior Houses.
SPORT: In cricket we had a lot of bad luck, we did not win a place in the house matches. But in football so far we are doing well. We are
second in the League.
There is no more for us to say, so here's wishing all the boys and staff a happy Christmas and a prosperous new year.



Page Compiled January 2021

All images and text copyright © to Goldings Old Boys reunion members