The Goldonian

Winter 1960





(A Branch of Dr. Barnardo's Homes)



Deputy Headmaster, Mr. L. E. Embleton, N.D.H.

Chief Matron, Mrs. L. E. Embleton

Chaplain, The Rev. B. L. Nixon, E.A.(HON.), Dip.TH.(Dunelm)

OFFICE Mr. J. Maslin, Mr. H. Mitchell, Mr. K. R. Wood

Miss G. Brockman, Assistant Matron Miss M. Roe, Staff Dining Room Matron


Mr. A. Culver, Housemaster; Mr. Steele, Housemaster Mr. S. Aldous, Housemaster;

Mr. and Mrs. Jones, Houseparents Mr. D. W. Walder, Housemaster; Mr. J. H. Clarke, Housemaster

Mr. J. Sims, Boilerman; Mr. II. Ring, Dining Hall Master

WATERFORD VERNEY HOSTEL: Mr. and Mrs. R. Newton, Mrs. P. Kemp, Mrs, Wrangles


Mrs. M. Farmer, S.R.N., Miss J. Wright


Mr. K. Brown, Mr. P. Eley, Mr. C. A. Cooper, Mrs. A. Stevens


Mr. S. Whitbread, Mr. W. Gardner, Mr. H. J. Monk, Mrs. M. L. Jennings,
Mrs. F. Darton, Mrs. M. E. Perrin, Miss M. Jeffreys, Mrs. M. Cannings


Mr. A. H. Hooper (Chief), Mr. H J. Wilkins, Mr. II. Wyatt


SCHOOL; Mr. G. H. White, Mr. F. Sheppard, Mr. R. Newton, Mr. W. Wade

BOOTMAKING Mr. F. Tordoff, A.B.S.I., Mr. W. Nunn, Mr. E. Braddock

BUILDING: CARPENTRY Mr. H. W. Tempest, Mr. W. Broster, Mr. T. E. Nutter, Mr. L. Farnham
BUILDING: PAINTING AND DECORATING Mr. A. E: Brooks, Mr. S. G. Moules, Mr. J. Ibbotson

GARDENING: Mr. L. E. Embleton, N.D.H., Mr. L. Wrangles, Mr. S. Roper,
Mr. S. Vince, Mr. F. Greenhill, Mr. W. Kuscharski, Mr. R. Catlin

PRINTING: Mr. W. H. S. Millar, Mr. R. Stackwood, Mr. P. F. East, Mr. N. T. Powell,
Mr. R. C. Fox, Mr. F. Stevenson, Mr. W. Purkis, Mr. R. Purkis, Mr. L. G. Mondin, Mr. J. H. Taylor

SHEET METAL WORK: Mr. H. de' Boeck

AUTUMN TERM, 1960, will surely go down in the history of the School as one of the most memorable terms of all times. So much has
happened that it is very difficult to know just where to start, so perhaps the only safe way is to take the events in strict chronological order.
On Thursday, 8th September, 1960, a revolutionary change in the administration of the Home took place. Two of our junior houses 'died',
namely Buxton and Kinnaird, and a new house was 'born' namely MacAndrew, and instead of having senior and junior houses, all houses
would house senior and junior boys, in other words we were really turning over to the family group system within the Home. This change
meant a lot of hard work for all Home staff as well as upheavals for some of the boys, but I am sure everyone will agree that it will be in the
interests of all concerned in the future. This great step forward has only been made possible, as the present inhabitants are well aware, by the
completion of the new wing, which completely houses the MacAndrew House, and when I say completely I mean completely. There is sleeping
accommodation for thirty-five boys (and not more than seven in any one room), a housemaster, reading and quiet rooms, games room,
bathrooms and toilets. This is only the beginning, because work is already under way to make the accommodation for the other houses in the
main building up to the same standard.
The eternal question one hears from staff and interested friends of the School is do the boys appreciate what is being done for them?', and I
find it a difficult question to answer, because any boy of the age group we have at the School is always wary about expressing his innermost
feelings but I do think that the appreciations will be voiced by the boys when they have been away from us, say, 3 months? Appreciative or not,
I do feel that it is up to all of us with an interest of the Home at heart, to try and instil into the boys the importance of home-life and to do our
utmost to kill this anti-social attitude, which some of the boys seem to adopt.
Tuesday, 18th October, 1960, was The, day "of the Term because we were then graced by the visit of Her Royal Highness The Princess
Margaret, who came to officially open the Mac Andrew Wing. To all boys, staff, and families, this will be a day to remember, but I will not
make any further reference to this 'Red Letter ' day here, as I have devoted considerable space giving all the details in a separate article, and
photographs in the special 'Supplement'.
Our second Exhibition of Work followed close on the heels of the Princess's visit, in fact her Royal Highness was the first to inspect this
wonderful layout of work and hobbies If ever anyone was in doubt about the team spirit the majority of the staff this exhibition must
surely have dispelled those doubts ,because such a wonderful show could never been put n without everyone being unsparing with
their efforts as far as I can learn, in no way let the side down, and in particular I would like to mention those who had the
outside job of directing people in the dark, and controlling the traffic. Lets face it, the weather was quite shocking, but no one
Complained and all stuck to their jobs. Well done lads!
I would like to close these notes by wishing every reader a very happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year, and without making a resolution
that will be broken on the second of Januarv. let us all make an effort to ensure that 1961 is a happier year for our fellowmen than was 1960.

From Me to You

To EVERYONE belonging to Goldings, boys and staff, past and present, I send my good wishes at this season of the year.
Through THE GOLDONIAN I would like to send a special message to certain people I do not see so often as I would like to. For example to
all those boys who never (well hardly ever) line the corridor outside my study in the mornings I send a special word of thanks. 1 have in mind,
too, all those boys who meet with difficulties, but face up to them and overcome them without much help from me, likewise those who steadily
work away at their schooling and trade training to prepare themselves for a successful career and a life of usefulness to the community. You
don't take up a lot of my time, but I am well aware of your presence in the school and the service you give in keeping up standards and giving
us a good reputation wherever you go. I would also like to take the opportunity of expressing my deep appreciation of the support of every
member of the Goldings staff, who in his or her particular field gets down to the job without lepining for that never-never land where working
conditions axe ideal, rewards are equitable and administration is faultless.
As Christmas approaches my sitting room gets more and more colourful as the very great number of greetings cards from Goldings boys and
Old Boys are displayed around it. Even if we knew the addresses of all the kind people who send them, my wife and I could not possibly afford
to return the compliment. We only hope that all of you will get a copy of this GOLDONIAN and read this short message, for we would like you
to know what joy these greetings bring to us. When we lovingly arrange our collection we are touched by your thought for us, uplifted and
refreshed in mind and spirit to persevere.
* * * *
Having had the privilege of reading the proofs of this issue, I would like to congratulate the writers of the House Notes, which are such a great
improvement on those in recent issues.
R. F. W.

Chaplain's Notes
As I write these notes, the choir has already begun to rehearse Christmas carols in readiness for the end-of-term Carol Service. After listening
to them, one carol keeps coming back to mind. It is not as though it were a whole carol which has impressed itself upon my mind, but just a
part, a couple of lines, the last part of a verse. The carol is 'It came upon the midnight clear', and the lines 'O hush the noise, ye men of strife
and hear the angels sing'.
These lines impressed themselves upon me because they ring so true. It is strange when so many people celebrate Christmas that they do not
understand what it is about. They understand the season of goodwill, of festivity, of the giving and receiving presents. But, all too often, that is
where it rests. It is a season of enjoyment. I heard the story once of two young girls from an office searching in their lunch hour for Christmas
cards and as they were searching through the huge piles on the shop counter one of them came upon a scene of the stable in Bethlehem. Picking
the card up, she turned to her friend and said 'They've even brought religion into Christmas'. How little she understood. How little she knew.
The Christmas message of the Saviour dwelling with his people, of the angels' song 'Peace on earth, goodwill to men". This is what a tired and
weary world needs to hear, and in the midst of all the clamouring voices in the world, in the midst of the enthusiasm of celebration, we do well
to pause, and in the quietness, listen a/'.ain to the voice of God and to the angels' song. The way of God means 'Peace on earth, goodwill to men'.
B. L. N.


and a


to all our readers


Visit of Her Royal Highness The Princess M Margaret

TUESDAY AFTERNOON, 18th October, 1960, at approximately 3 p.m. Her Royal Highness The Princess Margaret, President of our Homes,
stepped from her Rolls Royce to commence her visit to our School.
The sun was shining, and by so doing made the perfect setting for us to receive our President, and I am sure her first impressions could only
have been of wonderment as she appreciated the wonderful natural surroundings in which our Home is set.
The Mayor of Hertford, Councillor F. Herniman, J.P., as senior official of the Borough, received Her Royal Highness, and he in turn then
presented the following officials and their wives to Her Royal Highness: The Mayoress of Hertford, Mrs. F. Hemiman; The Town Clerk of
Hertford, Mr. A. I. Clough, and Mrs. Clough; The High Sheriff of Hertfordshire, Brigadier R.N.Hanbury.c.B.E., T.D., and Mrs. Hanbury; The
Chairman of The Hertfordshire County Council, Mr. E. J. Baxter; The Clerk of The Hertfordshire County Council, Mr. A. Neville Moon, and
Mrs. Moon; The Chief Constable of Hertfordshire, Leiutenant-Colonel A. B. Wilcox, O.B.E., and Mrs. Wilcox; Mr. A. G. B. Owen, C.B.E.,
Chairman of Council of Dr. Barnardo's Homes.
Mr. Owen then took over the official duties and presented the following officials of the Homes to Her Royal Highness: The Reverend W. Eugene
Charles, M.A., Member of Council of Dr. Barnardo's Homes; Mr. R. Ian Milne, M.A., M.B., B.CH., M.R.C.P., Member of Council, and Mrs.
Milne; Mr. E. H. Lucette, M.C., B.A., General Superintendent; Mr. F. J. Porter, F.C.A., General Secretary; Mr. Theodore F. Tucker, Deputy
General Superintendent; Dr. C. V. Bloom, B.A., M.B., B.S., Chief Medical Officer; Mr. G. A. Seabrook, F.C.C.S., Deputy General Secretary,
Mr. J. E. A. Bazalgette, Chief Executive Officer; Councillor L. B. Keeble, J.P., Chairman of the Goldings Committee, and Mrs. Keeble;
Mr. James Maslin, Secretary of the School; Mr. R. F. Wheatley,, Headmaster of the School, and Mrs. Wheatley.
After the presentations Mr. and Mrs. Wheatley then conducted Her Royal Highness into the main building, where the Princess was invited to
sign the Visitors' Book, and was shown the signature of her uncle The Duke of Windsor (then Prince of Wales) when he officially opened the
School in November, 1922.
The Princess then walked across the courtyard, where the School Army Cadet Unit, under the command of Captain A. P. Culver, formed a Guard
of Honour, and behind whom were assembled all boys not on duty, and members of staff and their families. On the new grass lawn outside the
new wing were assembled some 300 invited guests, who also had a wonderful view of Her Royal Highness as she walked up the steps and along
the approach to the main entrance of the new wing. Outside the main door the School Captain, Malcolm Stevens, presented Her Royal Highness
with the Golden Key to the MacAndrew Wing,
and the doors opened and Her Royal Highness entered to be greeted by the Housemaster, Mr. Aldous. Mr. Owen then took the opportunity of
presenting the following people to Her Royal Highness: Mr. H. Hall, DIPL.ARCH., DIPL.T.P., A.R.I.B.A., Chief Architect of Dr. Barnardo's
Homes; Mr. W. H. Heard, representing the contractors who built the wing, Messrs. George Mott and Sons; Mr. L. Embleton, Deputy Headmaster
of the School, and Mrs. Embleton, Chief Matron of the School.
Her Royal Highness was then conducted through the whole of the new wing, and then through the new corridor into the old building, through
Aberdeen dormitory to the first floor landing and then down the main stairway to the assembly rooms, where the Princess inspected the
Exhibition of Work displayed by the Shops, School and Home.
During her tour of the Exhibition, the Princess took a great interest in all she saw, and conversed with all the boys and staff who were on duty
at their respective stands. Mr. H. W. Tempest, head of the Carpentry Department, presented Her Royal Highness with a table lamp made in the
department by Terry Cooper.
Tea was served at 3.45 p.m., and once more the Princess was able to meet more, boys and staff. Our Senior Housemaster and one boy from each
house spent some minutes with her during tea. The lucky boys were: Ronald Smith, Peter Beresford, Roy Capon, Terence Whitehead, and
Harold Holberry. David Bird, who left us some weeks before, made a special trip back to be presented to Her Royal Highness, as he was the
boy who made the coffee table, which was part of the wedding present given to the Princess and Mr. Anthony Armstrong Jones.
As Her Royal Highness prepared to depart, John Bassett, one of the youngest members of the School, presented her with a bouquet, and as the
car carried Her Royal Highness through the archway, the School Captain led everyone in three lusty cheers, plus many more as everyone picked
up the lead.
As one looked round amongst the crowd, one could sense a feeling of happiness and (perhaps relief, because everything had gone according to
plan, and when so many people have spent so many, hours planning, planning, planning, what greater reward can they ask except—success,
and this had really been a successful occasion.;
We were all captured by the charm and understanding of the Princess, who carried out her duties with complete efficiency, and we are all agreed
that it was the Princess who had the most difficult job to do, facing and talking to so many people she had never seen or heard of before, and
showing such knowledgeable interest in trades that she could only have read about before. I am. sure we all learned a lot from the example set b
y our President.
Having described, very briefly 1 am afraid all that happened on that auspicious Tuesday, let me give you some facts about the new wing.
It was built in just over eighteen months, which in itself was quite a feat, when one remembers the amount of earth that ha to be cut out, and the
amount of concrete that had to be put in as footings for the building to stand on, as well as trees, that had to be uprooted. The cost has been
Something over £20.000, apart from all the fittings that had to go into such a building. It is a lot money, but its purpose warrants every penny
spent. Thirty five boys and several staff will be housed completley in the wing; for many years to come. So when somebody writes the notes
about MacAndrew House in twenty years' time, he may be able to give some details as to the numbers that have passed through the House since
its beginning, then we can really count the cost
The wing has been named MacAndrew in memory of the late Mr. D. J. MacAndrew, who for many years served a a Member of the Council and
on the Goldings Committee, and was a great friend to the Goldings Boys.
In fact a great many of our improvements have been made possible by the generosity of the MacAndrew family, including the building of
our Chapel in 1923
One last word of praise, and this time to our gardening department, who laid out the scrubland next to the new wing in such a short time and to
such good effect. The grass, the shrubs, the rose trees and the trailing nasturtiums were all a picture to behold, and as can be seen from the
picture of the new wing in art supplement, they really set the building up.
N. T. P.


All images and text copyright © to Goldings Old Boys reunion members

Page Compiled July 2018

THERE CAN be no shadow of doubt that this year's Exhibition has really put Goldings on the map. It is difficult to estimate how many people
actually came to visit us during the four days we were open to the public, but I would say between one thousand and twelve hundred actually
passed through. As with our first exhibition, the weather was very unkind to us, and probably-prevented quite a lot of local people walking out
during Thursday afternoon and Saturday afternoon. However those who did manage to get along thought their journey was well worth the effort.
It is always a dangerous practice to single out different people: or different departments when handing out bouquets, but I am quite certain no
one will disagree with me when I say what a grand job the Carpenters and Painters and Decorators made in preparing the rooms and stands for
all the trades and General Subjects departments to display their arts and crafts. Perhaps one of the biggest
improvements was the lighting of the stands, and here we are indebted to Mr. Hooper and Mr. Wilkins, who rarely get mention for the many
non-routine jobs they do.
To single out any particular stand would be unfair to the others and in any case is not possible, but I feel great credit is due to all who helped to
lay out this exhibition, and I am sure many members of the staff were as thrilled at the sight as were the public, I know I was! The Printers,
the Carpenters, the Shoemakers, the Sheet Metal Workers, the Gardeners and the General Subjects, are all old hands at this exhibition game,
but how nice it was to see the Painters and Decorators having their own display of decorating processes along side the trades they so often help
out with a 'spot of paint'.
Quite a number of boys contributed to the Hobbies Stand, and when I looked at some of the efforts I thought they were quite remarkable, and
all credit to Mr. Walder in the way in which he laid out the stand.
Apart from the actual exhibition there were many other attractions. The Junior School had their trees project, which unfortunately the weather
did not help, but none the less created quite a lot of interest and showed that a lot of us should be thoroughly ashamed to call ourselves
'countrymen'. The films shown by Mr. White were most popular, especially the Barnardo film which gave us all a lot to think about. Mr. Newton
and his P.T. boys certainly came out of the blue with their torchlight and floodlight displays, so much so that the publicity sub-committee knew
nothing about it either! But why worry, one can always be certain that Mr. Newton will have something special up his sleeve. Captain Culver
and the Cadets as usual did us grand by giving a display of marching and playing, rain or no rain, and what an impressive display of cups and
trophies they had on their stand too!
On the Thursday and Saturday afternoons the shops were open for the public to visit, and quite a lot of them took the opportunity of seeing just
what conditions our boys train under, and how impressed they were. As one visitor said to me 'if they can't learn here, then they never will'.
Need any more be said?
Another step in the right direction was allowing the public to walk round the dormitories, apart from the new wing, so that they could have some
idea of the old arrangements and the new. I think the boys were very keen to show people round 'their home', and two ladies told me afterwards
that they were quite certain that they had seen all there was to see, when their young guide remembered there was one room he had not shown
them, so up to the top of the building they had to go again! Which just goes to prove if we show enthusiasm, the people who support us will
not let us down.
Looking back we can all see where we could have improved things, we all have ideas for the next show, and that is as it should be. To be
completely satisfied is to be complacent, and to be complacement means the end of progress, and we must never stop progressing.
One last word of appreciation, to Mrs. Embleton and her team of ladies who put on the 'light refreshments'; they did a magnificent job, often
having far more customers than they had teas, but satisfying everyone in the end. Thank you ladies!
N. T.P.

Goldings Exhibition-1960