The Goldonian

Summer 1962




(A Branch of Dr. Barnardo's Homes)



Deputy Headmaster: Mr. L. Embleton, N.D.H.

Chief Matron: Mrs. L. Embleton

Chaplain: The Rev. B. L. Nixon, B.A.(HON.), DIP.TH.(DUNELM)


Mr. J. Maslin, Mr. J. L. Ridehalgh, Mr. K. R. Wood,


Aberdeen House: Mr. C. Steele.

Cairns House: Mr. and Mrs. R. Ellis

MacAndrew House: Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Moore

Pelham House: Mr. and Mrs. J. Hunt

Somerset House: Mr. and Mrs. R, J. Edwardes

Housemasters.: Mr. A. P. Culver, Mr. J. H. Clarke

Boiler-man: Mr. J. Sims; Handyman: Mr. E. Blackwell

SICK BAY Mrs. F. Farmer, S.R.N., Miss E. S. Bateman

KITCHEN Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Edwards, Mr. C. A. Cooper

NON-RESIDENT HOME STAFF Staff Room Matron: Mrs. F. Darton

Mr. S. Whitbread, Mr. W. Gardner, Miss M. Jeffreys,
Mrs. F. E. Parratt Mrs. M. E. Perrin, Mrs. M. Cannings

MAINTENANCE Mr. A. H. Hooper (Chief), Mr. H. Wilkins, Mr. J. Cole



Mr. F. Sheppard, Mr. R. Newton, Mr. J. Rowlands

BOOTMAKING Mr. F. Tordoff, A.B.S.I., Mr. W. Nunn, Mr. E. Braddock

BUILDING: CARPENTRY Mr. H. W. Tempest, Mr. W. Broster, Mr. L. Farnham, Mr. T. E. Nutter

BUILDING: PAINTING AND DECORATING Mr. A. E. Brooks, Mr. S. G. Moules, Mr. J. Ibbotson

GARDENING Mr. L. E. Embleton, N.D.H., Mr. L. Wrangles, Mr. S. Roper, Mr. S. Vince, Mr. F. Greenhill, Mr. W. Kuscharski

PRINTING Mr. W. H. Millar, Mr. R. Stackwood, Mr. P. F. East, Mr. N. T. Powell, Mr. R. C. Fox,

Mr. F. Stevenson Mr. W. Purkis, Mr. R. Purkis, Mr. L. G. Mondin, Mr. J. H. Taylor

SHEET METAL WORK Mr. H. de' Boeck, Mr. M. Brierley

WATERFORD VERNEY HOSTEL Mr. and Mrs. R. Newton, Mrs. P. Kemp, Mrs. Ephgrave


ALTHOUGH IT is only twelve weeks since we broke up for the Easter holiday, and consequently twelve weeks since the last issue 8 of
THE GOLDONIAN, it is surprising how much has happened at the School during this period.
The number of topics reported in this and every issue of our magazine, reflects very clearly the wide range of activities that are carried
out at our School. I wonder how many schools have sixty boys entering for the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme. I do not suppose for
a moment there will be sixty gold medallists as a result, but I am certain there will be a high percentage of silver and bronze awards.
Why have we had such a wonderful response to take up this challenge? Two main reasons I think, first the insatiable amount of energy
and enthusiasm which Mr. Newton, our P.T.I., puts into his work (he is one of the finest 'youth leaders' I have met), and secondly the
competitive curriculum of our School. We have cups or shields for practically every activity, whether it be sport, domestic, trade work or
school work. I think this is an excellent arrangement and a first class 'lead' into life, which after all is one big competition. True, one
doesn't receive a cup or shield for doing a good job, but once the spirit to 'do your best' is instilled, the prize is of little or no importance.
This has been our shortest term, and the next is our longest, during which time many more events will have taken place, including
Wimbledon (the last two weeks of this term), Inter-House Athletics and Swimming, Prize-giving Day, and our big 'Exhibition of Work'
week. In addition to these internal events, the Hertford shire Senior Scouts are holding their annual 'gathering', during the first week-end
in October, on Top Field. This is an event of some magnitude, as over 500 lads will be encamped, and a very full programme has been
arranged. It is also another instance of the wonderful co-operation the Scouting world receives from our Headmaster. ,
With all these events to look forward to, Autumn Term should be a very satisfying one, and there should be no shortage of copy for
our next issue.


ONE OF the benefits of a boarding school education is the strong feeling of companionship which living together engenders. It is not
surprising therefore that a great number of old boys revisit the School each term; in fact it is rare for a week-end to pass without having
one or more staying with us. The staff and boys now at the School always extend to them a very cordial welcome, but it must frankly be
admitted that a small number have worn their welcome very thin. When this happens, the old boy concerned is very apt to look around for
someone to blame other than himself. Invariably the truth is that his motives for Paying a visit are not the right ones. For the guidance of
all present members of the School, who will join the ranks of old boys sooner or later, I think it helpful to say something about the right
reasons for returning and how to conduct oneself whilst here.
There is a very natural curiosity to revisit the old familiar places. Those whose schooldays are long past often have a desire to show their
girl-friends the scenes of their boyhood; some bring their wives and families with them.—an event which always gives great pleasure to
long-service members of staff. It is also understandable that old boys like to show us that they have put their early training to good account.
Although we do not measure success merely by material standards, we have a justifiable parental pride in the obvious signs of prosperity
and good taste. Many an old boy enjoys a good yarn about old times and often recalls long forgotten incidents, including some that were
not brought to light at the time they happened. Very frequently too, they freely admit their past misdemeanours and are glad to acknowledge
the benefits they have reaped by being urged to persevere when the road seemed hard and they had wanted to give up.
Now for some rules for you when you return to the School as old boys. First look to your dress and appearance and ask yourself whether
you are a credit to the School. It is not just a question of modern fashions, which some young people can wear without looking ridiculous.
No one expects you to wear the fashions of your elders. You can be smartly turned out in the style of the day, so long as you do not affect
the ridiculous extremes", which disorderly youths wear as a kind of uniform. If you are unwashed, or dressed, like a caricature in a comic
strip, you are not paying respect to the School and can hardly expect to feel very welcome. Happily such returnees are the exception to the
rule, but we have all seen examples.
If you wish to stay the night, it is only politeness to write or telephone and ask if it would be convenient. If you do stay overnight, or for a
few days, you are expected to make a modest contribution towards your entertainment. No old boy with self-respect comes back to School
just for free meals or cheap accommodation. Whilst enjoying the hospitality of the School, you are expected to enter into the life of the
family, which entails attendance at Morning Prayers and School Chapel services. If you do not do so you are losing an opportunity to give
that support to the staff which they are entitled to expect from you.
It is entertaining and also instructive to listen to the comments of old boys who return after a long absence. Invariably they consider the
present generation are 'feather-bedded', though in fact the beds are made of foam rubber. Probably as boys they grumbled fiercely at the
conditions under which they 'suffered' and which have now been 'remedied'. Nevertheless, many are firmly convinced they were all the
better for having lumpy beds to sleep_on, rough oak boards to polish and a mad scramble to get to the primitive showers during the first
two minutes before the water ran cold. They consider linoleum covered floors, plenty of hot water, slipper baths, foam-rubber mattresses,
and wooden bedsteads modern decadence in school life. They and the gentlemen with the despatch cases, so concerned for the comfort of
boys, very seldom get together, but if such a meeting could be arranged I for one would like to listen-in to the exchanges. It would be too
ingenuous to suppose that everything is said in earnest, for Goldings boys have always been noted leg-pullers. Still, I think they are
perfectly sincere when they say, 'It was rougher in my day, but it didn't do me any harm'. The ideas and principles built into a boy's
character will always remain more important than his physical comfort.
R. F. W.

Mr. Lawrence E. Embleton, N.D.H.

LIKE ANY sound master of his craft, Mr. Embleton first served his time as an apprentice seven
years in the public parks of the County Borough of South Shields. In 1931 he rose to be general
foreman to the Borough Surveyor's Department and after six years in this post moved to Plymouth
as general foreman and head forester. In 1941 he returned to his native county as general foreman
to the Parks Department. In 1943 he began his teaching career as senior horticulture instructor at
Herts. Training School and later was appointed to a similar post at the Aycliffe School, near
Darlington. He holds a Senior Certificate (1st Class) of the R.H.S., a Teacher's Diploma in
Horticulture and a National Diploma in Horticulture. For his distinction in winning first place in
the British Isles in a Teachers' Examination in School and Cottage Gardening in 1942 he was
awarded the 'Banksian Medal'.
It will be seen, therefore, that when he joined the staff of Goldings in October, 1945, as principal
teacher in charge of the Gardening Department, he had a great deal to offer in expert knowledge
and practical experience. The present condition of the Goldings estate, justly admired by hundreds
of visitors each year, is evidence of the energy and skill with which Mr. Embleton has directed the work of his department. It would be
characteristic of him to wish to share the credit with his staff as well as with the boys, who have made their contribution to the beauty and as
Deputy Headmaster of Goldings.
The foregoing brief sketch shows how our subject has played an increasingly important role in the life of the School, but an image of the
man himself is not so easy to evoke. Brought up and trained in a sphere of life where industriousness was demanded and slipshod work not
excused, he has little sympathy with the casual approach. He has the traditional northerner's dourness on the outside and warmth and
understanding within. In duty hours there is rarely time for anything other than the job in hand, but in the cricket pavilion he can be vastly
entertaining with his dry northern humour, amusing narratives and occasional caustic wit. He knows how to enjoy both work and leisure.
Nowadays his chief recreation is golf. Incidentally, retrieving the ball is the only exercise to which his dog 'Andy' will condescend, so that one
might expect his master to be a dead shot on the middle distances. At one time he was an expert trumpeter. Even now he is no mean performer
on this instrument and in the past worked hard to keep going the Goldings Brass Band. When young he played in a very good class football
until a serious knee injury caused him to give up the game. Happily he still enjoys a game of cricket, though his famous off-strokes do not
sizzle to the boundary quite like they used to do. Many a time when the regular 'straight up and down' bowlers have failed to dislodge an
obdurate batsman one of his sly old 'donkey-drops' has tempted the enemy to a hasty stroke and an early doom. Though billiards and snooker
have now disappeared from the scene at Goldings, older members of staff will know him as a keen player on the green baize, very difficult
to beat at either game. Our school has done wonderful work for Barnardo boys, mainly because it has attracted to its ranks men of parts who
have given devoted service. Of such Mr. Embleton is an outstanding example, and it was a good day for us when he and his family threw in
their lot with ours and became part of the larger family of Goldings.
R. F. W


New Admissions during Spring Term 1962

GAY, MICHAEL: from Village Home;
FALL, DAVID: from Hertfordshire;
ALLEN, JOHN: from Badgeworth Court.
BUTT, MICHAEL: from Herefordshire.
GOODALL, PAUL: from Garden City;
ROUS, EDWIN: from Sunbury;
ANGELL, ANTHONY: from Foley House.

PARKS, IAN: September, 1957 to March, 1962. Situation as Gardener.
GLENDINNING, MICHAEL: February, 1960 to April, 1962. Situation as Painter and Decorator.
MARSH, JOHN: September, 1959 to May, 1962. Enlisted in Army.
BILTON, PETER: June, 1961 to May, 1962. Restored.
PRIEST, DENNIS: November, 1959 to April, 1962. Situation as Carpenter-apprentice.
FURLEY, ROGER: January, 1959 to April, 1962. Situation as Sheet Metal Worker.
COLLISON, ALFRED: October, 1959 to May, 1962. Situation as Carpenter-apprentice.
HOLMES, DAVID: September, 1958 to April, 1962. Situation as Bootmaker.
SPARKS, JOHN: August, 1958 to May, 1962. Situation as Sheet Metal Worker.
ROSE, JAMES: September, 1959 to June, 1962. Situation as Painter and Decorator.
PAGE, DAVID: September, 1959 to April, 1962. Non-trade situation.
BISHOP, COLIN: April, 1959 to May, 1962. Football Colours 1961. Situation as Carpenter-apprentice.
KERRY, MICHAEL: October, 1961 to May, 1962. Restored.
HYLAND, BARRY: April, 1958 to June, 1962. Situation as Carpenter-apprentice.

Boys Left During Spring Term 1962


Housemaster: Mr. Steele House Captain: Douglas Thompson
Group Leaders: Peter Marsh, Tony Toynton, Michael Willie Colours: Black and White
THE TERM we are coming to the end of should be called the 'preparation' term, nothing has happened really but there has been
great activity in various things—preparing for Wimbledon, which incidentally will take place before the term ends, preparing for
events which will take place when we return from the summer holidays such as Swimming Sports, Athletic and Tennis
Championships, also of course the boys are preparing or rather looking forward to their summer holidays either at home or at
our Dymchurch camp.
Four of our boys left us during the term. Peter Bilton was restored, Michael Glendenning to a situation in Scotland, Ian Park to
Parkstone Sea Training School where he will work as a gardener, and John Marsh to the Junior Army. John by the way has been
back to spend a weekend with us and although finding life much stricter is enjoying his service.
After THE GOLDONIAN went to press last term two events were decided. In the Inter-House Football Competition although we
had been unbeaten during the season, the cup was decided on a knockout basis, we reached the final of this but were beaten in the
final by Somerset. Secondly the annual Cross-Country Race, which was held on the last day of term so that the boys could
recover during the holidays, we didn't do as well as I expected in this event but full marks to Douglas Thompson who was first
Aberdeen senior home and Patrick Boltwood who was our first junior home. Several Goldings boys sat their R.S.A. Examination
last term and the sole success was one of our boys, John Bassett who passed in English.
Aberdeen has not hit the headlines in anything this term but we do have a large percentage of our boys in the School band and
nearly all the House will grace the courts at Wimbledon as ball-boys. John Lau, Peter and John Marsh represented the cadets at
boxing in the Cadet Boxing Championships at Aldershot and did very well. In the Inter-House cricket this term we have played
three games, losing to Pelham and Cairns and beating MacAndrew.
Several of our boys are participating in the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme and have fully enjoyed the camping experience
they have received as part of the scheme. In my next notes I hope to write of a few awards they have won. Also in my next notes
I hope to record that our boys received as many prizes on Prize Day as they did last year.
Finally on behalf of the House I should like to wish the Headmaster and Mrs. Wheatley, Mr. and Mrs. Embleton and all the staff
a very happy summer holiday. To the boys going on home leave have a good time and lets hope everyone keeps their fingers
crossed in the hope that this year will be a really 'sunny Dymchurch'.
C. S.


Page Compiled August 2017

All images and text copyright © to Goldings Old Boys reunion members