The Goldonian

Winter 1946


A School Magazine should serve as a mirror to reflect the life of the School. Its main purpose is to record the routine activities and outstanding
events of the term, but it should also be a medium through which any member of the School community may express his personality or exercise
his talent for writing. I am glad to welcome in our current issue new contributions from boys and I hope they will be the forerunners of many
more to come.
Already some of the dormitories have been tastefully decorated in preparation for Christmas—a co-operative effort In artistic creation. We are
"members one of another", and it is good that we should "work and play together in friendship. That is the basis of the Good Society. May our
united efforts this Christmas produce much enjoyment and good cheer for ;all in this community of ours}; I wish all our readers a Merry
Christmas and a Happy New Year
G. F.


One of the best films we saw at Goldings during the Autumn term was based on the true story of the oil tanker San Demetno. In the early part
of the film we saw how the Captain of the escort vessel, Jervts Bay, steered his small ship straight towards the big guns of the enemy raider, in
the certain knowledge that he and his men were sacrificing their lives for the safety of the convoy.,
Can you imagine yourself in his position arid having the responsibility of deciding what to do? Could you have acted in the same gallant way if
you had been in that captain's place, and steered for certain death that day while there was still chance to escape? I venture to assert that you
both could and would have made the same decision, because you would not have been relying on your own courage alone. You would have
been able to. draw upon the store of bravery of countless numbers who had served before you, in other words upon the tradition of the Royal
Navy. The power of this tradition would have urged you irresistibly towards the high est conduct. Now this story of the Jervis Bay has become
part of the tradition of the Royal Navy, helping those who follow after to do their duty.
In the same way, though not in such desperate circumstances, a school builds a tradition for itself; it may be a good or a bad one. Either way it
is equally powerful, ;In a school with a good tradition an atmosphere exists in which a boy is encouraged to develop true qualities of manliness,
like Courage, honesty, truthfulness and a generous spirit. Where tradition is bad it is easier for him to develop the very opposite of these qualities.
We ought to ask ourselves, "Is our tradition" just what we would like it to be?" Is it a strong influence keeping the new-comer on the right track
and helping him to acquire the qualities we admire, or does he find the standards lower than he has been accustomed to?
Boys who have recently joined the School should ask themselves what contribution they have made or are prepared to make to the good name
of the School. Tradition does not grow of itself but is built up by the efforts of each member of the community. Now is the time to build a
tradition for our School, that as old boys we shall be proud of, and one that will impress itself on each new boy as soon as he sets foot within
our doors. Let us not be satisfied by admiring the courage and devotion of real men as depicted in that stirring film, but let us catch some of their
spirit and emulate their example in our lives in school and home.


Strange noises may be heard coming from the Gym. on certain evenings after 8 o'clock. If you were to pop your head through the doorway on
such an occasion you would be surprised to see normally dignified members of the staff cutting strange capers. They are members of the
Goldings Dramatic Club rehearsing for the coming production of "The Busman's Honeymoon", a detective thriller by D. L. Sayers. The play
will be given before the School early next year.

A number of boys are now corresponding with pen-friends, found for them by the World Friendship Association. Most of these pen-friends live
in Holland. At least two boys, who shall be nameless, are writing to girls! Unfortunately, mounting expenses will not allow the W.F.A. To
continue this work free of charge. Would-be correspondents must now become Junior Associates of the W.F.A., at an annual charge of 3 / 6d.
This subscription also entitles members to copies of "World Friendship", the magazine of the W.F.A. The address of the W.F.A. is:—29 Portman
Square, London, W.i.

As we go to press, news has come through of the success of several Cadets in the War Certificate A examination on 3rd December. Seven out
of ten passed the Cert. A Part 2 examination, and IQ out of 26 the Cert. A Part i. We congratulate the successful candidates.

Miss P. Jackson.
— Miss Jackson left us in October to take up an important appointment in "The Cotswold School' ' near Cirencester. We were
very sorry to lose her but she carries with her all our best wishes for success in her new work.
Rev. L. S. Streeting.—Our Chaplain, Mr. Streeting, left at the close of last term to take up an appointment in South Africa. A letter from him
appears elsewhere in this issue. Good to you Padre and to Mrs. Streeting! We know you will keep cheerful wherever you are. Do the boys of
your school say "Never mind eh!" as you run back to the pavilion loaded with bat?

We are very sorry to have to record at the time of going to press that both Mr. Mills and Mr. Disney are unwell. We extend our sympathy to
them and trust they will soon be restored to health.

Head Matron.—Mrs. E. A. Harvey will be coming to us from a school in the Midlands on January 1st, 1947.
Staff Dining Hall Matron,—Mrs, F, E. Tratsart is expected to join the staff before the end of the term.
We give a hearty welcome to these new members of our family, and sincerely trust that they will find happiness in their work among us.

Billiards Club.—The Staff Billiards Club has entered four teams in the Hertford Billiards and Snooker League, and so far all teams have given
creditable performances. We have one of the best tables in the district, and the various opposing teams look forward to visiting Goldings. In all,
about 88 matches will be played during the season.

Within the next few days the Annual Club Tournaments will be held—Billiards and Snooker— and "dark horses" hope to upset the favourites.
Two Club members are now in strict training, but we understand in confidence that it is not this year's Championship they are thinking about,
but 1960! By then they should be able to impart "side" to a ball!
Should this paragraph catch the eye of Billiards players at Headquarters or elsewhere, we should like them to know that we
are open to accept a challenge.
J. M.


The following letter has been received from the Rev. L, S. Streeting, our former Chaplain, who left us in August to take charge of a school in,
South Africa: —
2nd November, 1946.
If ever you wish to see the sea and little else, go to South Africa by the West Coast route in the Carnarvon Castle on a direct run. That could be,
the slogan for advertising this trip—and yet I was asked to scribble something interesting about it. But, of course, I am exaggerating, for one
night in the past we did see the light on Cape Torinano winking at us out of the darkness before we arrived off Finisterre and retired to our
bunks. Then again, just before retiring we saw the circling light from beyond Cape Verde flashing to us across the shining black sea. But those
are the only two pieces of evidence we have to assure us that the continents of Europe and Africa exist. Southampton Water, the Solent and the
Isle of Wight, all bathed in brilliant autumn sunshine are the last memoirs of land which we possess, but surely that is a pleasant memory of
England in September. We slipped out to sea about mid-day, dipping our red ensign to the old Warspite and Queen Elizabeth riding majestically
at their anchors.
Since then the voyage has been mainly negative. The Bay of Biscay did not live up to its reputation although the very fact that we were "in the
Bay" was enough for some passengers! The tropics did not produce any tropical heat, the ship did not bump as it crossed the Equator, and even
the famous Cape rollers did not roll very much during our last two or three days afloat. The Canary Islands, with the rocky outline of Teneriffe
would have been a lovely sight—but we passed through in the small hours of the morning and only those "fortunate" enough to have the Middle
watch would have that pleasure. Occasionally we have passed ships bound northward, flashed our messages to them and received their replies;
more occasionally still we were thrilled to see a few birds telling us that there was land within a hundred miles or thereabouts. Porpoises and
dolphins performed their acrobatics for our entertainment and for a time the flying fish proved a source of enchantment as they skimmed away
from our bow-wave, darts of glittering silver in the sunlight.
One thing of which we saw more than plenty was people. We were almost 1,300 altogether and the decks resembled Margate, Blackpool or any
other popular seaside resort on August Bank Holiday. Amongst our number were 500 children of varying ages and continual broadcasts over the
ship's loudspeakers told of lost children turning up at the ship's office, and mothers were requested to collect them. We never discovered who
took care of the mothers!
So, after 14 days really at sea we pushed our way slowly through a fog and arrived in Table Bay in a grey dull morning. So, in keeping with the
rest of the trip, we were denied the enchanting sight of the mass of Table Mountain as seen from its seaward side. The whole was obscured by
grey cloud, and not until almost noon did the sun succeed in dispelling the greyness completely. Then we did have some warmth indeed, but
most people were involved in the weary business of standing in masses to pass the Immigration authorities by that time. However, here we are
in South Africa and you may hear more anon.


1 Now it beseemeth proper that record should be made of the manner of speech of the Goldingites, for verily they natter
in a strange tongue upon all manner of things—yea, verily of their chiefs do they conceive names, which, albeit they be
sometimes witty after their fashion shall not be recorded herein.
2 Yea also among themselves do they bestow names of strange character, sometime after the manner of appearance arid
sometime after an oddism of him who is singled out for such.
3 For of such names may be mentioned "Moth" for his raiment appeared to be motheaten—of another "Monk," which is
short for Monkey—yet the reason for this seemeth remote since he who bears this name lacketh much of the animal—yea!
even his face resembleth a human's! And yet another is called "Lardy" and another "Spammy," the latter because he loatheth
that which is called "Spam" and which may be bought in the bazaars'for three shekels a tin.
4 And of another ' Treerat'' after the common name for the squirrel which is grey, for he climbeth trees nimbly—yea! Even
to puff the weed of nicotine in secret doth he climb among the branches—and one there is which is called "Pongy" for he loveth
the mess of oats which is called porridge—-and yet another called "Puddle" for his surname is Pool—and "Taffy" and "Yorky",
yea and even "Flossie" and "Milky", such names being of themselves apparent.
5 Now the Goldingites among themselves as has been aforetime written speak of many things by strange names whereof
we could .give many examples.
6 If thou shouldest pass through the tents of these people when the evening candles have been blown, and should chance
upon two or three conversing amongst themselves (which is against the law) thou shalt sometime hear "Dygsi—nyghtgrog
scramme" which being interpreted meaneth "Look out, here cometh the nightwatch-man! To thy tent—lest he catcheth thee,"
7 And of many things do they speak by the name "grog", of such do they call water, tea, hair cream, yea even the juice
which supplieth the candles within their tents.
8 And thou shalt sometimes hear of a summer eve the cry "Never mind, eh!" called after him who carrieth his weapon
back to the pavilion lacking runs. This is interpreted as meaning consolation for a "duck," which is a term used in the game of
crick-et and indicateth that'he who walketh to the pavilion has scored a "blob."
9 And he that is clever at his craft or doeth something that needeth brains sometimes calleth, forth the saying "Proish"
which meaneth professional" and is a considerable commendation from the local citizens.
10 Yet again thou shalt hear pudding called "Plonk" and porridge "Pongy". A crust of manna do they call a "Topper" and
a slice of manna do they speak of as a "Jinner."
11 Of foot covering they do speak in various ways — such as "cheeses," "hymn books" and "skin-boots." Of certain
other ornaments, such as were worn .before the great conflict, do they refer to as "lamp-wicks" or "bootlaces".
12 Verily of a truth thou mayest.hear these words "Coo! chew aht." Interpreted this meaneth something with which they are
not in agreement—yea! even a swindle.
13 "Toshiiig out" meaneth to clear up and "gosh" that which is wasted. Yea, even unto food for swine and the dust of the floor
do they comment thus.
14: And of many other sayings could one scribe, save only that the papyrus runneth out, and the stylus groweth heavy,


i Now it came to pass that Areffdubbelyu commanded that the badge of the tribe shall be changed, "For,"' saith he, "thou hast a
new status within the land. Yea verily dost thou compare favourably with the tribes known as secondary, wherein is great value
for thee when thou goest forth amongst men.
2 ' 'Therefore I have said to my chiefs;—think upon these things and bring me a badge that shall have the tradition displayed upon
3 And they brought unto him many designs and the choice did fall upon one "Tem-pest" a craftsman of great cunning in
wood and a painter and drawer of good repute.
4 Now this is the badge of the tribe which Areffdubbelyu commanded to be worn:—
A shield of silver, three quartered barred, bearing within its bars the motto: "Finis Coronal Opus", which meaneth "The end
crowns the work." Charged thereon lie five heraldic bricks guled and packed, these signifying the builders with bricks which
are to be, likewise incorporating the wood carvers and the makers of cabinets, for are they not also builders? Yea, verily they
are! Also two shoes guled, imposed, mediaeval sinister which signifieth the sandal makers, who are cunning with leather, yea!
and rivets and studs. Beneath the bar lieth a book open, sabled, and imposed W.B.T.S. on the pages thereof which signifieth
"William Baker Technical School" and hath a double inclination—yea it signifieth on the one hand the writers upon papyrus
and on the other the labours of them that teach—yea! even the teaching of the scholars who wear a hood as has been aforetime
mentioned—very brainy types, these! and great eaters of fish and turnips. Lastly subordinated and superimposed shalt thou
observe flowers guled with leaves vert which signineth the horticulturists.
5 Yea! of a truth a very snappy badge and worthier than that aforetime worn.
6 Take heed therefore, my sons, of the motto, and fail it not, for no more fitting epitaph can man earn upon his demise than
that is end shall crown the work of his life. Verily I say unto thee— wear thy badge with pride—see to it that thou art an
Honoured member of' thy tribe and at thy passing men shall say of thee: "Of a truth this place and this world loseth a good man."
7 Now of the further doings of the Goldingites shall they not be chronicled in the hereafter, by some other who shall come
after me—or even by another who is of thy company now. Brethren! I salute you! Finis Papyratum et Scribo! which meaneth,
here's an end of the paper and Screebo! Vale!


All images and text copyright © to Goldings Old Boys reunion members

Page Compiled August 2014


Since the appearance of our last issue, we have embarked upon our winter programme with enthusiasm. Indeed, the experience of the present
Chaplain has been a very happy one.
The new time-table has enabled us to do a great deal of work, and we hope that time will see a great improvement in the rendering of the
Chapel music. The choir, under the guidance of Mr. Amos and Mr. Mitchell, has already felt the benefit of the added tuition.
The Services are very enjoyable and the School is to be congratulated on the manner in which it observed Royal Air Force Sunday and Armistice
Day. Similarly, our Services of thanksgiving for Harvest were equally successful. At present we are busily preparing for our Christmas Festival,
when we hope to attain still further heights of success.
At present the Chapel is serving a double purpose. The first has been written about and is, we feel, the more popular. On weekdays it is the
scene of a comprehensive course of Christian instruction and of lively discussion. The writer will long remember that when he explained the
word "eternal" as meaning "not only endless, but having no beginning as well", he was met with a storm of criticism and doubt which is seldom
equalled in Hyde Park. Still, as long as one engenders thought, one feels that part of one's purpose is being realised.
In conclusion, the Chaplain wishes to thank all those who have contributed to the success of the Services. Not least among these is Sister
Noakes, who has complete charge of the Altar linen, and the boys who have read the lessons and sung solos. All have contributed their portion
to a job well and truly done.


(The end Crowns the Work)

1 O Heavenly Father, guide our hearts
To higher things than earthly wealth.
Endue our life in all its parts,
With thought for others more than self.
From evil thought and scandalous word
Make free our daily pathways, Lord.

5 Help us to look beyond the fame
Of earthly triumph's tinselled sun.
Nor coward act stain Honour's name
Till. Thou shalt say—"Servant, well done!
Finis Coronal Opus—Come,
And share",My ;rest, thy crown is won.;''
J. H. D. W,

2 From falsehood, Father, stay our tongue;
From evil lusts direct our mind.
May we be quick to right the wrong,
In manly strength, let us be kind
To weaker souls who lack the power
To fight 'gainst Satan's darker hour.

3 O quicken. Lord, that inmost spark
That, burning, triumphs, over ill,
And brightly shines through evil dark,
Purposeful, strong to do Thy will.
That o'er some darkened soul 'twill shine
In warm reflection, Lord, of Thine.

4 Where greed and quickened anger rules,
Let meeker strength submit Thy praise.
The broad highway—that path for fools
Be shunned for straighter, honourable ways.
That we may mingle with the crowd
With vision clear and head unbowed.

St. Paul's Cathedral, renowned throughout the world for its size and beauty, stands at the top of Ludgate Hill, It was designed by Sir Christopher
Wren, who also had high ideals of designing and building a new and better London.
Walking up the steps towards the Great West Door you are struck immediately by the size of the tall pillars which adorn this side of the building.
Entering the door you might think you are entering a palace instead of a church. In front of you are candles burning on the altar. On the left and
right are marble pillars mounted on large stone slabs. As you walk down the aisle, on the left you see a monument to the great Duke of
Wellington. Parsing right on, you eventually reach the dome, Painted in pictures is the life story of St. Paul. On the floor, in the centre under the
dome, is a brass grille. Below this is the burial place of Admiral Nelson. Perhaps the best experience is walking up the 620 steps to the
Whispering Gallery. It is inside the bottom of the dome. Passing round it you are fascinated by the height of the building, seen from above.
After leaving the Whisperous Gallery you walk up a few more steps and find yourself in the open air. Through the mist, which always
enshrouds London, you can just make out the dim outline of the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben. Passing round to the right you find yourself
looking down on Ludgate Hill and Fleet Street. There is a continuous stream of people, buses, taxis and lorries, which go to make up London as
most people know it.
Still passing on, the Old Bailey comes into view with the figure of Justice on top. This makes you stop and think of some of the great criminal
trials that have taken place there. Just before, you go down again, three landmarks catch your eye, the Tower of London, the famous Tower
Bridge, and last but not least the Monument to commemorate the Great Fire of London. No doubt, if this catastrophe had not taken place, there
would not be today such a fine building as St. Paul's.
L. N,



What is going on in Parliament? This is a question one hears nearly every day in this country. In the early history of Parliament this question
was more often than not unanswerable, as the affairs of the Government were nearly always shrouded in a veil of secrecy, and the only
authentic reports were those which the Government made public for any particular reason.
The first sign of a different attitude on the part of the Government towards the matter was the granting of permission to reporters to sit in the
Strangers' Gallery and take notes on the proceedings of the day. It was not until 1834, however, that the presence of reporters was accepted
generally as a part of the everyday routine in the Commons.
At the beginning of the 19th century a famous M.P. named William Cobbett used to write reports on the proceedings in Parliament, and then
send them to a printer named Henry Hansard for publication. These reports were called "Cobbett's Parliamentary Debates", but as time went on
this title was changed to "Hansard's Parliamentary Debates''.
Towards the end of the 19th century, the expenses incurred in the production of Hansard were paid for out of State funds, until 1909, when
Parliament undertook the responsibility for its publication. It is now printed by His Majesty's Stationery Office.
Hansard as it appears today is an exact word for word report on proceedings in Parliament, including all speeches which are made, questions
which are asked, and any new bills which may be introduced. The previous day's debates are available on any day, in printed form soon after
breakfast. The Hansard reporters work in shifts, and are taking notes all the time that Parliament is sitting. The printing of Hansard is also
carried on right through the day. There is now in existence a "Hansard Society", which has as its object an increase in the sales of Hansard.
The supporters of this society hope that many more people will read Hansard, and so become familiar with the activities of Parliament.
G. S.


Christmas 1946
