Reg Longman

Old Boy Reg Longman and his wife Donna were back in the U K this month May 2013. Below are a photographs sent
in by Alan Dearman ,along with his wife Margaret meeting up with Reg and Donna. Reg and his family now live in Canada

Reg wrote the book “Suffer Little Children” and if you haven’t read it I can assure you it is well worth reading It reflects his
Time spent in Dr Barnardo’s some good and some not so good, but Goldings from Reg’s recollections appear’s one of his happier
moments In his book. A wonderful read, which I hope many others boys and girl’ should do the same, and record their experience
in “Dr Barnardo’s”

Page Compiled May 2013

All images and text copyright © to Goldings Old Boys reunion members

Hello Dave
Early this morning Reg passed away peacefully in bed at home with me. He had contracted a virus/bug which he could not recover
from. Since he was diagnosed with ALS he knew that the time would come for me to have to give the sad news to you, and so he
wrote the following words to be put into the Goldings Guest Book. Thank you Dave - this is what he wrote:
Donna Longman 5-1-16

Hi Dave
By the time you read this I will have 'passed on' so to speak, to wherever or whatever lies ahead after one dies. Having reached the age
of 82 I’ve had a good life, with much of my early years spent in Dr. Barnardo’s Homes. Although I have always spoken admirably of
Barnardo’s, Barnardo’s couldn’t provide the love so needed in anyone’s life.
Love came to me with my darling wife Donna and together we enjoyed fifty-three happy and prosperous years.
Of the years I spent in Barnardo’s my best and most memorable were those I spent at Goldings. For those who knew me at Goldings
(and those who didn’t of course) I wish you all a long and healthy life. To Alan and Margret Dearman, my most recent contact with
Goldings, I want to say keep up the good work; you are both especially good ambassadors for Barnardo’s.
But of all the people I have been in contact with from Goldings, I’d like to say farewell to David (and Carolyn) Wheatley and urge all
of the ‘old boys’ to read Kipling’s poem ‘If’. David, I must say fits the description as described in the poem and particularly so in the
lines which read;

“If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings – nor loose the common touch.”

You’re a good man David, your father ‘Pinhead’ would be so proud of you.

Reg Longman- Somerset – 1947/1950
