All images and text copyright © to Goldings Old Boys reunion members

Page Compiled November 2011

Charlie Jones 2010

Goldings re-union 2010, Charles Jones first visit to Goldings and re-union,
since the day he left Goldings in 1935, and to my knowledge the oldest
Goldonian that I know to since helping organise our re-unions.
Sadly two months after he returned to Goldings for his first re-union he
passed away!
A very proud Goldonian who made this comment to me “It was a piece of
cake in your days, nothing like the strict regime we encountered in my day.
I think I can mention this comment from his daughter.
“I was told by my mother that he abandoned me soon after I was born, but
after she passed away I was shocked to discover he constantly tried to contact
Me but was refused by my mother, so since then we have been making up the
lost time!
My first meeting with him at the re-union he told me “Take your hands out
your pockets when you talk to me, and why didn’t I have a Badge and Tie”
“ There’s no more left!”
“Well get round this room and pinch me one!”
Below are his Campaign medals from World War 11, which are now
in the proud ownership of his daughter !
Charles Jones, it was a honour to meet you! R.I.P.

Charles Jones