All images and text copyright © to Goldings Old Boys reunion members

Page Compiled October 2011

Tony and George Hill in the Relay

Outside the Bay Window
with the Rec Hut in the

Outside hut


Lefty Wright, Tony, Derek Barnet, Brother, Micky Hindle,
2 boys kneeling unknown?

Micky Hindle Dymchurch

Tony King, Pop Steele Keith Milson.,

Sammy Hill, Winston Norton at Dymchurch
against Mr Whitbread’s van

Images of our youth spent at Goldings.


Tony and Dennis at a previous reunion

Bottom Field Dave Langler?

Cross Country Start Top Field 61-62

Dymchurch “Skipper” ?


L-R ?, ? , Neville Fletcher, ?

Bottom Field, Staff, Mr Tordoff and Mr Stevenson on the right
Left Mr Maslin? and Mr Wood?


Steve Denton, Glyn Parry and Bill Colinson

Michael Massey

and Tony
Outside the Bay Window
With the Rec Hut in the


Keith Milson and Tony

Pelham Dorm

Dymchurch. The guy with the glasses was a student
that came to help out at Dymchurch.
The only other one I recognise is Neville Fletcher
back second left

Tony and his brother Dennis entered
Goldings September 1959 from the
Village Home, and left October 1963
His chosen trade taught to him at
Goldings was Painting.

donated by Tony King

Pelham: House Parents Mr and Mrs Hunt, House Captain: Eddie Budd, Group Leaders: Derek King ,Daniel Coffey, Graham Rose.
Pelhams House Party. Kneeling Billy Cambell, Joe Law, ?
3rd from the right middle row Daniel Coffey, the others I am not certain of...HELP!

Tony Reunion pics 2007-11-12