William Thomas Harris Profile

All images and text copyright © to Goldings Old Boys reunion members

Page Compiled July 2013

William Harris came into Goldings in early 1930s, Aberdeen House

Some additional information:

1. Grandad was normally know as "Bill" and probably had a Norfolk accent as he
had been "boarded out" to Necton in Norfolk.
2. There is a photograph of him attached with a chap who we believe is called
Harold Cann and we think that this is at Goldings? We have attached a picture
from the same day of Grandad on his own as it shows more of the building. 1933
is shown on the back.
3. There is another picture labeled 1933 which is a postcard that he clearly
intended to send to the family he was "boarded out" to, but it seems he never
sent it. This says that he and his friend (name unknown) have just been swimming,
again we believe that this is during his time at Goldings.
4. We think Grandad was at Goldings in 1933-35.
It also seems that another lad James (Jimmy) Symes was also boarded out at the
farm in Necton. He was three years older than Grandad and would therefore
have been born in 1915, we do not know if he went to Goldings.
5. We know that he boxed in the army when in WWII

Tony Bourn (Grandson)

Boxing from 1935 Jubilee Edition of The Goldonian

