Abundant evidence of the soundness and value of the training given at Goldings is furnished by the fact that in this past year 100
boys have been placed out in situations in the trades they have learnt, and most gratifying reports have been received from their

William Baker Technical School

Trades 1930’s Style

OUR William Baker Technical School, " Goldings," Hertford, Herts., where nearly 300 boys between the ages of 14 and 17 are
continually in training, is situated in delightfully rural surrounding's, and we cordially invite any readers who may be visiting that
part of the country, to call at " Goldings " and see for themselves the ideal conditions under which our boys receive technical


The Printers Shop

The Printing Department, replete with Linotype Machines and Presses of various sizes, from treadle platen to a 2-rev. Miehle,
will compare favourably with any modern factory. In the Bootmakers's Shop the whole craft of bootmaking and boot-repairing,
with stitching machines and finishing machines of every kind, is thoroughly taught.

The Power House and Engine Room, with its adjacent workshop, are places where the keenest mechanically minded boy finds

Even the humdrum domestic utensils, such as dustpans, kettles, saucepans, etc., turned out by the score in the Tinsmiths' Shop,
have their appeal.

Electrical Engineers, The Generating Plant at Goldings 1930

Tinsmiths / Sheet-metal Work

The Carpentry Department, in three separate Shops, exhibits in a striking way the skill which can be acquired in wood fashioning
by the dullest boy after two or three years' training. On the other side of the Gardens yet another Shop is to be seen, where the
Wheelwrights undertake a variety of tasks, from the building of farm carts to the re-conditioning of motor bodies.

The Carpenters

The Wheel wrights

In the Gardens themselves, a veritable paradise in the summer time, boys are being trained in the art of horticulture.

The Gardeners

The Stable Block

Page Compiled November 2010

All images and text copyright © to Goldings Old Boys reunion members

In the 30’s other than the Gardeners and the Wheelwrights, all the Trades were housed in the Stable Block.