Neville Fletcher House Captain MacAndrew
Drum Major in the Cadets and Wimbledon Ball Boy
Neville attended his first reunion this year meeting
up with old friends and MacAndrew boys Brian Perrier
and Peter Drummond

Neville today loves art and tries his hand at sculpting

Neville at an Exhibition

Neville Fletcher

A sculpture Neville did himself in 2007

Photos from Goldings 1960s

Letter received from Neville ref above photo
Dear Dave
Please find enclosed first batch of “Goldings” photos Archive. I will do best to locate second batch, of archive prior to October ok,
I’ll do best to attend.
Regards photo of Band, we had a “good band, a good laugh, fun, at the events we attended, and we did relax from marching. I
Recall I was wearing “Sword” it was a 1920s Cavalry ceremonial Sword! Engraved along the blade, perfect craftsmanship, and
made by Wilkinson Sword, and originally presented to all the Battalion. A Brigadier of World War 2 presented the Sword to
Captain Culver, to be worn by subsequent Corps of Drum Drum Majors. I was presented with the Sword at a Battalion Dinner
Held at Goldings, around 1964.
I didn’t wear it ( The Sword )all the time at public events as I would not have been able to throw the Mace!
Dave I’ll make roll call to my old comrades prior to October with feed back
Take Care Sincerely a Friend

Neville Fletcher Drum Major

John Walshaw, Neville Fletcher July 1963

L/R Billy Hicks, Billy Collison,
Freddy Workman, Neville, Billy Hill

Steve Furnise Sept 1959-July 1962
Cadet Drum Major/ Sheet Metal Worker
after Rugby training with Mr Rowlands

T o the left
Neville and Dave (Blower)!! outside dining room
1964 on Sunday after Church Parade.
Neville is carrying the Mace

Dymchurch 1960-61

Dymchurch huts 1960s by Nobbie Clarke

Nobby Clarke Dymchurch Camp 1961

Dymchurch 1961 Mr Newton Sport Master
and Mr Jones House Master

© Neville Fletcher

All images and text copyright © to Goldings Old Boys reunion members

Page Compiled September 2008



MacAndrew Boys

The Band 1963-64

The above photos were all taken outside the MacAndrew Wing

All but 3 of these boys later attended Goldings

Keith McSweeny and ?

? Neville, David Fall, and ?

Mr Rowlands attempt at forming a Rugby Team

Nobby Clarke