In the inter-company swimming sports, held on the 24th June, we came second this year and first in the senior competitions. Our boys
took part in the inter-pre-services swimming and did very well, especially Cadets Furnise and Peek. The A.T.C. won the senior events
and the A.C.F. the junior events. Well done, 2 Coy.
We went to the R.E. Bridging camp at Wouldham, Kent, for our annual Battalion camp on the 3rd August. This was a small, self-
contained camp but very good for training and recreational facilities. The weather wasn't too good and our all night exercise had to
be cancelled, but we did manage to get in some useful and instructive training. Training in building bivouacs and fire lighting was
given, practice in obstacle crossing and in river crossing with assault boats under the instruction of the Royal Engineers.
Off duty visits to Chatham, Rochester and to the radar station were laid on. Guard mounting and drill competitions were held. The
food was good and in spite of the poor weather it proved to be a very enjoyable camp.
Since our return we have settled down to our winter programme of training and, thanks to the continued co-operation of the Army
Kinema Corporation, we are able to show on the last Friday of each month documentary and training films. The last of the weekend
camps at Walkern has been held for this year but we shall have the Saturday .22 shoots on our open range as often as possible. In the
"A" certificate examinations L/Cpls S. Cann, Bassett, Furnise and Borrill passed their Part I on the 13th July.
After the end of term reorganisation, eight cadets were lost to situations and apprenticeships and ten new boys were enrolled. Which
makes our present strength at sixty-six all ranks; this keeps our average strength throughout the training year of seventy all ranks.
At the School Exhibition of work and spare time activities, held on Thursday, 2nd October, to Sunday, 5th October, the Company
were well represented with a fine display showing the work of the Cadets in sport and training, and the Corps of Drums.
At the Battalion football trials eleven of our boys were selected for the senior and junior teams to play for the Battalion; this is very
pleasing and I know that the boys will give of their best.
We shall be entering a number of Cadets for the A.C.F. boxing and will be the hosts for the County tournaments on the 22nd
November, and for the Area Championships. I wish the boxers all success and hope that they will do as well as the lads that entered
last year.
A Civil Defence exercise was held at the School on the 19th October, and the Cadets, together with a number of boys from the School,
acted as casualties. This is the second exercise at the School, the first held on the 5th May was carried out in torrential rain but all boys
cheerfully did the jobs allotted to them.
We shall be thirteen years old on 4th December, and shall celebrate with a parade and supper on Friday, 5th December, as that is our
parade evening. Eight hundred and twelve boys have served in the Company to date and we have had many successes in training and
sport to look back on, not forgetting the Corps of Drums, who have become well known all over the County. We have not been
without difficulties and trials that arise in maintaining a good Company for so long a period, but looking back over the years I know
that we have been able to give lads interest and something to take a pride in. I get many letters from old members of the Company
saying how glad they were to have served with us and of how the Cadet training has helped them in the services and in their jobs in
civilian life.
May I close by wishing all past and present members of the School a very happy Christmas.

A. P. CULVER, Captain, O.I.C


At the start of the winter term we lost the services of our Drum-major, John Stocking, who left to take a job. John was a very
reliable and smart lad and his place has been taken by L/Cpl. Furnise. Already Richard Furnise has led two public parades and
displays and promises to keep up the high standard required of a Drum-major. Sergeant J. Hilton, our leading tenor-drummer,
has become apprenticed and Cadet D. Brewer, our solo side drummer, has also had to leave for the same reason. John Hilton
was also our School Captain. We shall miss these lads but shall now build up again during the winter term. Tub-drummer Brian
Cummings has left for a situation-he was one of the oldest members of the Company having served four years and four months
with the Company and the Corps of Drums. I welcome in the replacements and would say that being a member of the Corps of
Drums means that you must be prepared to keep up the high standard that has been set over the years by past members.
The Corps of Drums attended the annual Battalion inspection at Hertford on the 22nd June; they led the Company to and from
the inspection and all did very well in spite of the heavy showers.
During the summer season we have given displays of figure marching and the Beating of the Retreat at Waterford, Buntingford
and Barkingside, and at Welham Green, where we entertained the disabled ex-servicemen, we were highly complimented by the
several ex-service bandsmen present.
The Corps of Drums led the parade at Romford for the Battle of Britain service on the 28th September, and Cadets Bishop and
Cleary sounded the Last Post and the Reveille at the laying on of wreaths. They also gave a display at Walkern on the 20th
September which was much appreciated. At the School Exhibition of work and other activities we were represented in the
display stands and also many photographs of past bands were displayed which brought happy memories to the old boys that
visited us on the Sunday.
On Sunday Remembrance Day, 9th November, the Corps of Drums led the parades at Buntingford in the morning and at
Roydon in the afternoon. Duty buglers sounded the Last Post and Reveille at these services, and buglers were sent to
Wheathampstead, Harlow, Walkern, Stanstead Abbotts, Watton-at-Stone and Waterford. All the boys concerned were well
spoken of for their smartness and playing.
Duty buglers also sounded the Last Post and Reveille in our School Chapel at the Remembrance Service. There was no band
competition at the annual Battalion camp this year, owing to most of our lads being on their summer holidays, but Cadet Bishop
was highly praised for his smart turnout and good playing as duty bugler for the guard mounting competition which was won by
the 1st Battalion.
I would like to close these notes by wishing all members of the Corps of Drums a very happy Christmas.

A. P. CULVER, Captain, O.I.C

Goldonian Winter 1958



Page Compiled September 2006

All images and text copyright © to Goldings Old Boys reunion members

CAPT. R. F. WHEATLEY, Officer Commanding


Since our last notes we have had our annual camp at Felixstowe and we certainly had plenty of variety with weather, training and
recreation. It was pouring with rain when we arrived, the tent accommodation was limited and I certainly had misgivings; however,
the weather cleared up and things were sorted out and it proved to be a very pleasant and instructive week.
A signals section has been formed and several cadets are getting the opportunity to learn about the' various branches of signalling
and the use of walkie-talkie apparatus. I would like to thank Lieut. Barrett 'and C.S.M. Harrison for giving up their time to come
and teach this useful work.
A first-aid class was started under the able leadership of Mr. Whitlock, an officer in the British Red Cross. We have managed to
gain a seventy-five per cent success in the recent examinations.
On the 9th September the company took part in a torchlight procession at Bengeo and afterwards they marched to a field where a
huge bonfire was laid; this was lighted by the cadets throwing their torches on the pile. Afterwards there was a display of hand bell
ringing by the local people and a firework display.
The company attended the annual "Battle of Britain" parade at Hertford on Sunday, 17th September, and did very well by their
smartness and soldierly bearing. Staff Sergeant Tasker is to, be congratulated on passing his P.T. course at Aldershot and gaining
the coveted crossed swords. Well done, sergeant!
Five N.C.O's. were sent to Kempton Barracks, Bedford, on a section leaders course on the 4th September and they too did very
well. Sergeant Tasker, Cadets Taber and Frosdick were picked to represent the battalion at football and Taber and Frosdick were
specially mentioned by talent scouts who were present at the match between the N.A.B.C. and the A. C.F. at Hitchin on Saturday,
21st October. Good old two company! We manage to' keep our end up in the battalion in many ways.
The Certificate "A" Exams were held at Goldings on the 22nd October and ten out of seventeen passed their Cert A, Part 1, and two
out of six their Cert A, Part 2. To those who passed I would say "Well done!", and to those who did not make the grade I would
say, ''Don't be discouraged, put a little more into your training and all will be well next time."
Through the kindness of Captain Vigus we have been able to send eight cadets to the Territorial H.Q. at Port Hill for .22 shooting
each week and they have done pretty well for there are no facilities for shooting at the school.
We said goodbye to C.Q.M.S. Winter who left us to join the army for twelve years and our best wishes went with him knowing
that he will make a success of his army career.
Six cadets were chosen to attend the unveiling of the memorial to the officers and men of the Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Regt.
on Saturday, 11th November, at Bedford. The Queen was present and after the' unveiling they took part in the inspection and march
The company attended the Armistice Sunday parade at Hertford on the 12th November and as usual kept up the high standard of
the company.
Twenty cadets have entered for the annual cadet boxing, and Mr. Medcalf is putting in much good work in training them, so with
the able assistance of Mr. Patch and Mr. Medcalf they should be able to give a good account of themselves. Mr. Patch 'has assisted
us since the company formed in 1945 and it is through his efforts that we have done so well in the boxing in the past. Thanks a lot
Joe and Metty!

A. P. CULVER, Captain, 2 i/c
Training Officer for O.C. 2 Coy.


Again it falls to my pleasant duty to record the activities of the battalion and school band. It says much for the continued keenness
of Lieut. H. Walkling, who gives up his valuable time every Monday evening to come and train the boys.
The band headed the company on our march to Hertford East station when they attended the annual camp at Felixstowe in July.
Lieut. Walkling was unable to come with us this year and we missed him very much; however, Capt. Culver did his best in
preparing the band for the band competition and they managed to win the inter-battalion competition for the third year.
On the 29th July the band gave a display of marching and carrying out the ceremony of beating the retreat on the sea front at
Felixstowe and they were well spoken of in the local press, and hundreds of residents and holiday visitors to the town were there
to see this display. I was glad to see the matron, staff and children of our branch home at Felixstowe present and they were able
to see the band from a very advantageous position.
At our school camp at Dymchurch the band gave a display of marching and playing to the camp which was greatly appreciated,
and on the 9th August the band marched in procession at the annual fête organised by the Dymchurch Chamber of Commerce, and
afterwards gave a display an the recreation field which was much appreciated.
On the 9th September, the band led the company in a torchlight procession at Bengeo, and after refreshments to the recreation field
where a bonfire and firework display was given by the organisers of the procession.
The band led the parade an I7th September and our buglers sounded the "last past" and "reveille" at the church service. L/Cpl. Ostle
attended the military funeral at Hitchin of a member of the Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Regt. and sounded the "last past" and
"reveille" at the grave side on 28th October.
On the 1st November, the band went to Watford to attend the "United Charities" festival and did very well; they played through
the streets af Watford and then in front of the Town Hall whilst the visitors to the festival were going in.
Armistice Sunday was a very busy time far the band; they led the company to the barracks, Hertford, and then the procession
through the town to All Saints' Church. After the service the procession formed up and marched to the town war memorial headed
by the band. Six buglers sounded the "last past" and "reveille" after the laying an of wreaths and then the band led the company
back to the school.
During the morning, afternoon and evening buglers were on duty at various churches and memorials at Roydon, Wareside, Harlow,
Hertingfordbury, Waterford and at the evening parade service at the school; they conducted themselves very well and' we are
gratified to. know that their services were appreciated and that they were so well turned out in appearance and smartness.

A. P. CULVER, Captain, 2 I/C
Training Officer for O. C. 2 Coy.

Goldonian Winter 1950

CAPT. R. F. WHEATLEY, Officer Commanding


Since our last notes in the Spring issue we have had several changes owing to Cadets leaving for situations, but in Spite of this we
are in a very healthy state with regard to numbers and efficiency.
We congratulate Cpl. Howitt, who was promoted to the rank of Drum Major. He has filled the position admirably since Drum
Major Williams left us and we know that he will do his duties in a most efficient and capable manner.
A number of Cadets, under Sergt. Steyart, went to Kempston Barracks, Bedford, on a senior N.C.O.'s course and they were able
to pass on to us several new developments in training. Captain Culver attended the Officers' training course, which proved to be
of much value.
On the 8th May we took part in the Inter Company Athletic meeting at the Herts Training School, and again came within an ace
of winning the Senior and junior events. At first we were awarded the junior athletic cup, but on a recount of points it was found
that we had just lost the cup by a couple of points. We started the summer weekend camps on the 15th May and have managed to
send a few Cadets to Broxbourne Park most weekends.
On the 20th May the Company was inspected by Brigadier Giles, the County Commandant, and he saw the Cadets at work.
Brigadier Giles was pleased with all he saw and with the capable way in which the N.C.0's. conducted their sections and
congratulated the Com on their keenness and smart bearing.
A very successful week's experimental camp was held at Broxbourne Park from 22nd May until the 29th May, and it was prove&
that the N.C.O's. were quite capable of running the camp and giving instruction in Cadet training without help from adult officers.
Congratulations to all W.O's and N.C.O's. in the Company are sincerely offered by the training officer, who was in camp the
whole time. He arranged the training programme and did the camp administration.
The Company went to Olympia on the 9th June to see the Royal Tournament and this Proved to be an excellent display of Navy,
Army and Air Force activities.
We did a field exercise with H.Q. Company on the 17th June and many valuable points of field craft were brought out. We
Success fully held a wood against H.Q. Company.
On the 20th June we went on a Church Parade to All Saints' Church, Hertford, on the occasion of the visit of the Lord Chief
The salute was taken by the Lord Chief justice after the service. The Bugle Band and the Company were complimented on their
soldierly bearing.
We took part in the Annual Open Day display at the School on the 8th July when all Cadet activities were shown to the public.
On the 11th July there was the annual inspection of the Battalion at the Herts Training School; we gave displays after the
The quarterly War Certificate examinations were held on the 18th July. A number of Cadets entered for their cert. "A", parts 1
and 2.
We took part in the Inter - Company swimming competitions. We look forward to the annual Battalion camp on 25th July until
1st August, at Fingringhoe, Essex, when we shall join company with a thousand other Cadets.
During the time we are at camp we shall be visited by Field Marshal Viscount Montgomery of Alamein.
On 17th July the Bugle Band gave a demonstration at the Old Rectory, Hertingfordbury.